Ubisoft Strikes Back

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Unread postby protecyon » 01 Jun 2005, 02:54

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby Caradoc » 01 Jun 2005, 02:54

Anybody want to buy some 3DO stock? :-(
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Sir Charles
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Unread postby Sir Charles » 01 Jun 2005, 04:28

LOL. I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully they'll be a BIT more successful in convincing their stockholders than Trip was. :O)
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Unread postby Marzhin » 01 Jun 2005, 12:14

I hope Ubi Soft will remain independant... It is one of the last french video game company. And I really don't want to have only EA on the PC market.
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Unread postby urbanmonk » 01 Jun 2005, 22:53

THDOQ 3 D O CO NEW 31 $0.12

trade fee a bit more than it's worth ;] ....not sure why it's still on my Schwab page, since it don't exist

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Unread postby lpatenaude » 02 Jun 2005, 15:50

I wouldn't be afraid of a total takeover by EA upon Ubi Soft, since 20% of total shareholding in Ubi is quite insignificant.

Besides the rest of the 80% is probably scattered troughout France and the province of Quebec in tiny bundles of 1, 2, and 3% each shareholder. EA has to successfully invite all of them to a shareholdings meeting place in order to make their intentions to buy at least half of all their current investments to gain absolute control over Ubi Soft. I don't think that would ever be possible. Such an attempt to do so would be perceived as an act of absolute desperation to gain control over a viable competitor.
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