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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby Angelspit » 08 Feb 2007, 20:03

Gathering Storm and Winds of War better than Hammers of Fate? Allow me to strongly disagree! :)
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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby arturchix » 08 Feb 2007, 20:20

In terms of new content, HoF actually is the best expansion Heroes series had so far. Of course, you can always argue that most of that stuff could and perhaps should have been in the original game, that things were cut out etc but calling HoF the worst expansion ever? That's just unfair - if we are talking about bad expansions, I could name both Heroes IV expansions.

I like HoF, the ending was cool however if I'm starting to compare with the original game, I miss few things, and better voice recordings is among them.

Generally Heroes V has a great potential to become the best Heroes game so far in the series, only a "small" drawback - where is the AI? I feel like walking through the campaigns like piece of cake with almost no challenge involved. Of course, that may be because I'm playing on normal difficulty, but I always do it, also in Heroes IV and Heroes III.

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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby Avalon-Eternal » 08 Feb 2007, 21:14

Yeah I was talking content wise RiderX, three new creatures, caravan, new faction, ten or so new items, some new maps, a (decent) rmg, and 15 new missions. I wasn't going by the campaigns, as I haven't played through them in H5 base even... I've been busy with stuff. So true the campaigns may be better, but sheer content it was the best. I don't like cut scenes... I WANT TEXT! Well if they were all CG like the ending ones (Mission 5 Haven) I would be happy, but... its actually more unrealistic when the people can't even move in H5 base campaign. Except for making their swords glow...

So yeah, Campaigns are better in most others, but content wise I got more then when I got both H3.

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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby Gaping_MAW » 08 Feb 2007, 23:24

there's a single player component to the game AND the expansion!? :) One day I'll actually check it out.

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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby JohnGalt » 09 Feb 2007, 15:27

I'm the first to admit that H3 blows H5 away, but let's give HoF a little credit. Remember the disappointment of buying AB and getting...the Conflux? Ooh, a race of elementals -- yippee. This was after we had seen the concept art for the Forge, which caused quite a stir, certainly, and would have represented a vastly different direction and aesthetic for Heroes, but our appetites were whetted, anyway. So at least HoF has a legitimately new race.

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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby Avalon-Eternal » 09 Feb 2007, 19:33

Why? What is so great about H3? H5 is the same thing with better graphics, better factions, and with HOF even more features (Caravans!) the only reason I see that H3 may be better in some other peoples eyes is it has a nice art style, but I like H5's return to H1-2 graphics.

I'd like to know why a lot of people like H3 over 5. Just wondering.

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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby Elvin » 09 Feb 2007, 21:55

Quite a few reasons amongst which the novel-like texts, the efficiency and simplicity of interface, starting with 8 factions, interesting campaigns etc. I should note that I can't go back to H3 but I deem it superior in general. H5 COULD best it but probably won't under ubival's line of thinking and support.

And H5 graphics style have nothing to do with H1 and H2. They are cartoon-like but they are very different at the same time. More akin to warcraft and warhammer I'd say.
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A 2nd Chronicles Newsletter

Unread postby Avalon-Eternal » 09 Feb 2007, 23:09

Looks like H1 one graphics to me :) still your probably right because didn't they say they hadn't even played H1-2? In a interview or something, true, more factions, but I could argue that the seven right now are better then the 9 they had at the end.

Have to agree about the text, I could never get into the H3 campaigns though, it was kinda tangled, H4 had great campaigns though, the role-playing elements really shined in those.

lol, I just realized Nival was saying how they wanted to have a more "Darker, Mature" universe and their graphics are more colorful and adorable then H3 or H4! Ok maybe not adorable, but it still strikes me as odd... I'd like 3-D grass though, I hate going to the unit info page and see my footmen standing on a strange green covered floor...

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