Game Crashing in Samaritan

Official forum of the Wake of Gods mod to Heroes of Might and Magic III.
Posts: 14
Joined: 12 Jan 2007

Game Crashing in Samaritan

Unread postby ericperim » 29 Jan 2007, 01:11

I am now playing the Samaritan campaign, I am at the third scenario at the moment, but whenever I reach the second week, I just get some error messages and then the game closes, I can't even read the all the message, since the program is finished suddenly. I restarted the scenario but the same happened again, right after ending 7th day of the first week, as soon as the screen brightens for the second week to start, the error messages show up and the game crashes.

Posts: 14
Joined: 12 Jan 2007

Unread postby ericperim » 01 Feb 2007, 02:28

I tried it again and I could finish the scenario, but it crashed a few times. It seems there is a bug with something triggered at the first day of each week (don't know if it is the terrain change or the magic restriction change), because everytime it crashed it was at the beggining of day 1 of some week (not necessarily the second one).

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