Wishes ideas and proposals for the next version
Next month (after finishing my bitwise packer) I will start to write H3 Caravans for WoG. Some questions:
- Do you need Caravans to heroes? Or is it enough between Towns plus ext. dwelling ->town direction?
- Caravans should be paid?
- Do you need max. HP limit to set up? max. 1000 creature per transport without artifacts or heroes is ok?
- speed of caravans around 8 tiles per day, no terrain penalty/passability check, is it ok?
Best Regards,
Next month (after finishing my bitwise packer) I will start to write H3 Caravans for WoG. Some questions:
- Do you need Caravans to heroes? Or is it enough between Towns plus ext. dwelling ->town direction?
- Caravans should be paid?
- Do you need max. HP limit to set up? max. 1000 creature per transport without artifacts or heroes is ok?
- speed of caravans around 8 tiles per day, no terrain penalty/passability check, is it ok?
Best Regards,
Wow ! Great idea ! I think many players will enjoy hearing that.
Since you ask for proposals, I'll give you mine :
To me, caravans should go from dwellings to towns only, and would need to be build thanks to a new in-town building.
Like in Homm 4, you would have to build one caravan for each external dwelling you own, and where you want to hire. Each caravan could cost about 200 gold.
Do you plan to create "virtual" caravans like in Homm 4 or, will it be moving objects we could see in the adventure map ? I think it would be more funny if caravans can be attacked by enemy heroes.
Concerning the speed, don't really know. I agree with the fly ability, as you mentioned (but what about caravans and towns on different surface levels ? ).
Be sure that I will be one of the first to test and play with your script. I'm waitin for you ! [/i]
Since you ask for proposals, I'll give you mine :
To me, caravans should go from dwellings to towns only, and would need to be build thanks to a new in-town building.
Like in Homm 4, you would have to build one caravan for each external dwelling you own, and where you want to hire. Each caravan could cost about 200 gold.
Do you plan to create "virtual" caravans like in Homm 4 or, will it be moving objects we could see in the adventure map ? I think it would be more funny if caravans can be attacked by enemy heroes.
Concerning the speed, don't really know. I agree with the fly ability, as you mentioned (but what about caravans and towns on different surface levels ? ).
Be sure that I will be one of the first to test and play with your script. I'm waitin for you ! [/i]
I plan to use invisible virtual Caravans. Travel between map levels will take around half a day. I still can check actual position, and add some chance to be discovered and attacked. (better chances with scouting)
- buildings: I am not familiar with H3's graphics part, don't now how to implement new buildings. Not possible via ERM. I will use right click or control click on something.
- If I add caravans to heroes, it will be a separate (sub) option.
The script will be 100% 3.58f compatible, and beta testers are welcome.
Currently I am writing the database engine, nothing to test.
I hope, that script 20 in script update is running smoothly.
Doom3d (alias Eperbab, aka General Z)
doom3d.uw.hu heroes.hardwired.hu
I plan to use invisible virtual Caravans. Travel between map levels will take around half a day. I still can check actual position, and add some chance to be discovered and attacked. (better chances with scouting)
- buildings: I am not familiar with H3's graphics part, don't now how to implement new buildings. Not possible via ERM. I will use right click or control click on something.
- If I add caravans to heroes, it will be a separate (sub) option.
The script will be 100% 3.58f compatible, and beta testers are welcome.
Currently I am writing the database engine, nothing to test.
I hope, that script 20 in script update is running smoothly.
Doom3d (alias Eperbab, aka General Z)
doom3d.uw.hu heroes.hardwired.hu
i've completed my h3wog peasant ideas. Well, at least, mostly. Script may be downloaded from http://www.rorkvell.de/prj/h3/peasant.erm
This script es meant as a replacement for other scripts. Like the H4 peasants they produce gold, but different to H4, they do only produce gold if "installed" in a town or gold mine. In towns with resource silo built they produce that resoource, too. And together with a resource specialist garrison hero they produce that resource, too.
Peasants out in the field don't do anything.
Peasants in garrisons apply a weekly growth rate to all stacks in the garrison and to all stacks of a visiting hero. With this feature, garrisons for the first time become a valuable adventure map location. The growth rate is not percentual, but instead every 5 peasants add 1 HP to every slot. Enough HPs add a new creature.
Peasants in mines do produce that resource. Wood and ore need 500 peasants installed to produce 1 additional resource daily. Other resources need 1000 peasants. Gold needs 1 peasant to produce 1 additional gold per day.
Currently, peasants in Sawmills apply a growth rate to dendroids in that mine, and ore pits apply a growth rate to iron golems there. Others are planned, but all may be removed some day if i don't get a good idea what to grow in alchemist labs. And it should somehow be balanced so that every faction may get an advantage out of at least 1 mine type.
The main reason for this script was, that i never liked those benefits-for-nothing scripts like the daily percentual growth. With peasants you have to build up your economy before you get any benefit of it. And you have the choice on what to focus: Gold, resources or creature growth. Since you can't have all at the same time, it is a real choice.
There's a testmap accompanying the script: http://www.rorkvell.de/prj/h3/Peasantville.h3m. Many peasants, very short on resources. Enjoy.
i've completed my h3wog peasant ideas. Well, at least, mostly. Script may be downloaded from http://www.rorkvell.de/prj/h3/peasant.erm
This script es meant as a replacement for other scripts. Like the H4 peasants they produce gold, but different to H4, they do only produce gold if "installed" in a town or gold mine. In towns with resource silo built they produce that resoource, too. And together with a resource specialist garrison hero they produce that resource, too.
Peasants out in the field don't do anything.
Peasants in garrisons apply a weekly growth rate to all stacks in the garrison and to all stacks of a visiting hero. With this feature, garrisons for the first time become a valuable adventure map location. The growth rate is not percentual, but instead every 5 peasants add 1 HP to every slot. Enough HPs add a new creature.
Peasants in mines do produce that resource. Wood and ore need 500 peasants installed to produce 1 additional resource daily. Other resources need 1000 peasants. Gold needs 1 peasant to produce 1 additional gold per day.
Currently, peasants in Sawmills apply a growth rate to dendroids in that mine, and ore pits apply a growth rate to iron golems there. Others are planned, but all may be removed some day if i don't get a good idea what to grow in alchemist labs. And it should somehow be balanced so that every faction may get an advantage out of at least 1 mine type.
The main reason for this script was, that i never liked those benefits-for-nothing scripts like the daily percentual growth. With peasants you have to build up your economy before you get any benefit of it. And you have the choice on what to focus: Gold, resources or creature growth. Since you can't have all at the same time, it is a real choice.
There's a testmap accompanying the script: http://www.rorkvell.de/prj/h3/Peasantville.h3m. Many peasants, very short on resources. Enjoy.
Finally there is use for those idiots. I love the idea about the script
I would like a possibility to add creatures and towns to the game, and a program where you can put in attack, defence etc... frames and create a creature. And another, better auto-erm-maker that will generate everything (I haven't tested ERM-BOX yet, maybe that's what I am looking for)
I would like a possibility to add creatures and towns to the game, and a program where you can put in attack, defence etc... frames and create a creature. And another, better auto-erm-maker that will generate everything (I haven't tested ERM-BOX yet, maybe that's what I am looking for)
EDN wrote:Finally there is use for those idiots. I love the idea about the script
Yes, indeed they now might become the most important unit of the game. With peasants und enough time and a garrison at hand it is now possible to win a game which else would be unwinnable.
I'd like some minor changes to the game. For example the dwellings for halflings and peasants should be exchanged. Would fit muhc much better. The "Adventure Caverns" should be renumbered with type = subterranean gate and some currently unused subtype numbers. Many of the new WoG buildings, type 63, should be renumbered as type "University" and new subtypes. Thus these new objects would have a default behauvior.
The Lava Sharpshooters are nonsense. But something similar could be nice. Stats and abilities the same, but graphics based on the Magog. Similar with the Arctic Sharpshooters. Again nonsense. But instead use the Sante Gremlin graphics for this would be nice. The Santa Gremlins as they are now are a joke: A stack of one million Santa Gremlins deal the same damage as one single Santa Gremlin. That's different from the Arctic Sharpshooters. So simply replace the Arctic Sharpshooter graphics with those of the Santa Gremlins. rename them, and forget about the current Santa Gremlins.
The Messengers are crap. Could be deleted and replaced by more interesting monsters.
If possible, the various Elementals should be renumbered. In the Conflux range there are some unused places, where these elementals would perfectly fit in. This would make more monster IDs available for more new monsters.
New monsters: I's especially like a complete set of desert creatures. There is currently some work on alternate town types, which is great. Having as many as possible available in any game would be nice.
I found very well done alternate background patches for various town types. If it would be possible to expand these background patches to a set of background patches and apply the one, which fits best to the terrain type, would be nice. And for the Adventure Map, too: Adding more town pictures, modified just to fit better into other terrain types.
And i'd like one more town picture, selectable via erm: A picture which looks like there is no town, just some trees and/or mountain.
Scripts: I myself have two more scripts in the pipeline. One that adds some specialities for secondary skill combinations. So other than the current simple secondary skill boosts this will give some boost if the hero has special skill combinations. Minor boosts for combinations of 2, major boost for combinations of 4, and real maximum boosts for combinations of 8. I already have a test version of that, so this one will not take too long to be finished.
Next in the pipeline is a diplomacy rework. Besides slightly reworking the current diplomacy behavior when attacking a free stack i'm planning to add dynamic alliances, when heroes meet which both have diplomacy secondary skill, together with some other constraints. This one is currently plans only.
Minor suggestion (only if easy to implement): Return the henchman among your troops when selecting a new.
Reason: I ran into the need already several times, on certain scenarios (low nr of resources & creatures), when I had the opportunity to change my henchman for a better one. However, given the situation (small army), that creature would have been quite useful back in my ranks. I find it fair and logic: you appointed one of your creatures to be hanchman for a while, but when a better one takes the place, the first returns within the ranks (no need to kick it completely out of your army).
Reason: I ran into the need already several times, on certain scenarios (low nr of resources & creatures), when I had the opportunity to change my henchman for a better one. However, given the situation (small army), that creature would have been quite useful back in my ranks. I find it fair and logic: you appointed one of your creatures to be hanchman for a while, but when a better one takes the place, the first returns within the ranks (no need to kick it completely out of your army).
Last edited by Zamolxis on 27 Feb 2007, 23:05, edited 2 times in total.
'Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former' - Albert Einstein
'Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind' - same guy
'Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind' - same guy
1) Non-direct damage spells ought to be dependent on the caster's sp. for example, haste should give not +3 or +5 but SP/10 (for example) or the default amount, whichever the greater. slow should also reduce speed by SP/10, bloodlust should add SP/5 to min and max damage etc.
2) Direct damage spells must be stronger. Expert implosion does damage SP*75 + 300. I say it should be around SP*200 or something.
3) Change Neutral Unit Size script so that it no longer sets ALL relations to savage. only a part should be set that way.
4) All creature resistances and immunities should be with a set power. If a hero's SP exceeds the creature's resistance power, a spell CAN be cast on it. Say, a black dragon's resistance should be level 30 or something since there is no reason why it would be immune. Elementals should have a resistance level of 70-80. And in case if the hero's SP exceeds the target's resistance, the power of the spell should be (hero's SP)-(monster resistance power). Oh and creatures-spellcasters should also have a set SP (perhaps depending on their experience)
2) Direct damage spells must be stronger. Expert implosion does damage SP*75 + 300. I say it should be around SP*200 or something.
3) Change Neutral Unit Size script so that it no longer sets ALL relations to savage. only a part should be set that way.
4) All creature resistances and immunities should be with a set power. If a hero's SP exceeds the creature's resistance power, a spell CAN be cast on it. Say, a black dragon's resistance should be level 30 or something since there is no reason why it would be immune. Elementals should have a resistance level of 70-80. And in case if the hero's SP exceeds the target's resistance, the power of the spell should be (hero's SP)-(monster resistance power). Oh and creatures-spellcasters should also have a set SP (perhaps depending on their experience)
I see a lot of people saying Soul Eater's Animate Dead is useless. shut up. it is the ONLY useful spell any commander can cast at all!
Next. Emblem of cognizance is waaaay too powerful. reduce its gold amount to 5 per troop and no more.
Next. What are you people saying about astral spirit summoning elementals? since when do they do that? i have wog 3.58f and script update but i haven't noticed a single occasion when they summon any. and while i'm at this, the summon elemental on adventure map feature is way too powerful too. my brother always uses it on hotseat against me and i'm helpless - ok, it is not a spell you cast early in the game, but my bro reaches about 50-60 knowledge and SP, expert intelligence, town portal, expert earth magic, a lot of castles and Erdamon. All in about 3 months. Any way to beat that? Huh?
That's it for now. i think...
Next. Emblem of cognizance is waaaay too powerful. reduce its gold amount to 5 per troop and no more.
Next. What are you people saying about astral spirit summoning elementals? since when do they do that? i have wog 3.58f and script update but i haven't noticed a single occasion when they summon any. and while i'm at this, the summon elemental on adventure map feature is way too powerful too. my brother always uses it on hotseat against me and i'm helpless - ok, it is not a spell you cast early in the game, but my bro reaches about 50-60 knowledge and SP, expert intelligence, town portal, expert earth magic, a lot of castles and Erdamon. All in about 3 months. Any way to beat that? Huh?
That's it for now. i think...
Just got one more idea. Level 8 dwellings. Please merge the scripts Level 8 dwellings function as normal and Creature dwellings accumulate creatures. Unless the two are merged, it is completely stupid to fight, say, 50 Supreme Archangels just to get one. Instead, as there will be, say 60 to guard the dwelling, there should be 20 to recruit. That's what I think at least.
And one more thing about spells - Hypnotize is a spell that TERRIBLY needs strenghtening, because you can't hypnotize anything that can be of use until quite late in the game, and then you already have an army soooo big that hypnotizing an enemy stack will do no more than save you a couple of low-level creatures. Its standard formula of Power*25+something should be changed to power*100 or something like that. Or another choice - the target's hp do not matter but instead you only get it for a duration of, say, Power/30 rounded down.
And one more thing about spells - Hypnotize is a spell that TERRIBLY needs strenghtening, because you can't hypnotize anything that can be of use until quite late in the game, and then you already have an army soooo big that hypnotizing an enemy stack will do no more than save you a couple of low-level creatures. Its standard formula of Power*25+something should be changed to power*100 or something like that. Or another choice - the target's hp do not matter but instead you only get it for a duration of, say, Power/30 rounded down.
1,obelisk wrote:1) Non-direct damage spells ought to be dependent on the caster's sp. for example, haste should give not +3 or +5 but SP/10 (for example) or the default amount, whichever the greater. slow should also reduce speed by SP/10, bloodlust should add SP/5 to min and max damage etc. /.../
It means no change for fast creatures, if SP is below 30. In some cases, slow may reduce speed below 0. (Dendroid guards..)
Increasing direct damage from spells: Yes, maybe.
I have switched on "Masters of spellcasting" option, so I can have up to 21..25 spell per battle turn. (with split stacks + summoning)
Now direct damage seems to be adequate.
Other way would be to increase damage.
4, Golem style resistance instead of dwarf type, modified by hero SP and Sorcery.. ? Let say, Black dragon has 130% resistance, hero has 45 SP,
-> Actual resistance will be 130-45=85%, so 15% damage will be taken.
Sorcery % may be added here, as a separate option. (enhanced sorcery x.)
It could be done. But, I don't have time to write it. (my to do list is full)
Anybody would pick it up?
Try to use Tower or Conflux against your brother.
Tower: start with lvl1 dwelling upgrade, and use master gremlins to attack fast. Better chance to have Dimddor/Town Portal/summoning.
Main hero: spell or skill specialist.
Conflux: switch on "heroes can have 10 skills" (or unlimited skills in my mod ) option, and give earth+air+water (+maybe fire) to your main hero.
Should be spell or skill specialist again. Start with lvl2+upgrade to have some storm elementals. Good luck!
lvl8 dwellings: these scripts are merged, isn't it? I remember to hire 8-9 Hell Hydra once..
Incoming news: Bitwise packer engine finished and tested ok.
Shamanic Running v2.6 done. (movement->mana conversion added)
Currently I am writing the ERM Debugger script, and planning Caravans.
It seems, that we will have max. 7 Caravans per Town, assigned to target Town.
http://doom3d.uw.hu mirrors: doom3d.atw.hu, doom3d.tvn.hu, see also: http://heroes.hardwired.hu
well i only play with necropolis but even sandro with a cloak of the undead king is no help.
as for that masters of spellcasting option, where can you get that? i have wog 3.58f and script update but i do not remember seeing that option
As for black dragons, I meant to say that their resistance would be 30 and if a hero's SP is under 30 he can not cast spells on a black dragon. If his power is x and it is bigger than 30 the spell would be cast at a power x-30.
Another thing about battling my bro... i ALWAYS ban dimension door because we always play together with 6 computer opponents, usually i in one team, my bro in another and all 6 computers in another. That means if one computer get dim.door they all get it and then i have a big lot of trouble catching them if i do not have it. i also ban fly for the same reason.
anyway, thanks
as for that masters of spellcasting option, where can you get that? i have wog 3.58f and script update but i do not remember seeing that option
As for black dragons, I meant to say that their resistance would be 30 and if a hero's SP is under 30 he can not cast spells on a black dragon. If his power is x and it is bigger than 30 the spell would be cast at a power x-30.
Another thing about battling my bro... i ALWAYS ban dimension door because we always play together with 6 computer opponents, usually i in one team, my bro in another and all 6 computers in another. That means if one computer get dim.door they all get it and then i have a big lot of trouble catching them if i do not have it. i also ban fly for the same reason.
anyway, thanks
oh, i just got another idea. upgrading towns so that they give more gold is a good idea and making every upgrade cost more than before is good too. however, the actual price increase should be lowered very much. on numerous occasions i have captured a computer opponent's town just to find that he has upgraded it to give extra 8000 gold per day. however, to upgrade it to 9000 per day it would cost me 644500 gold. that is NOT normal in my opinion.
re: Obelisk
This an option of my wogmod. You can download build9 (Script Update compatible) at http://doom3d.uw.hu.obelisk wrote: well i only play with necropolis but even sandro with a cloak of the undead king is no help.
as for that masters of spellcasting option, where can you get that? i have wog 3.58f and script update but i do not remember seeing that option
If You don't want to modify existing options, then copy only new files.
Build 10 is planned for end of march.
OK. It requires a complitely different script, but I think it could be done.obelisk wrote: As for black dragons, I meant to say that their resistance would be 30 and if a hero's SP is under 30 he can not cast spells on a black dragon. If his power is x and it is bigger than 30 the spell would be cast at a power x-30.
(playing with spell damage, instead of creature resistance % during battle)
Comparison: Hero SP x, Dragon SP 30 or Resistance 130%:
x dmg1/default dmg2/default
40 10 4
50 20 10
60 30 18
70 40 28
80 50 40
90 60 54
100 70 70
Maybe your Necro strategy is too slow. Walking deads slow down the army.
No low level shooters. Why don't You try out Tower (lvl1-4-7 shooters, armorer spec. hero), Conflux (starting hero with earth), or Dungeon(meteor shower hero)?
If You still wish to play with necro, and Aislinn is enabled, then try Aislinn+Temple guardian commander (there is an option to hire new commanders of any type). Also switch on enhanced commaders and "hero can have 10 skills", and go for defense-HP-dmg-speed or HP-dmg-magic-speed with the guardian.
Try to have resistance with Aislinn, if You don't choose magic power.
/ A direct damage spell specialist hero, with Temple Guardian commander and Masters of spellcasting option seems to be an efficient combo. /
Well, i now tried stronghold with gretchin as a starting hero and using your masters of spellcasting. it's a relly cool script but my brother doesn't like it so i am unlikely to use it on him.
gretchin, however does the trick excellently. he starts with a lot of goblins, gives them good bonuses (+4 attack on level 1) and i managed to start on a good location . that in mind, i can not be stopped, because i have sp around 60, attack and defense around 40, expert air and earth magic and air, earth and fire tomes, orb of inhibition banned and masters of spellcasting on. all in all, since i usually get the first move, thunderbirds being at speed 22, some of computer's "powerful" heroes do not even get to move at all.
anyway, thanks for the suggestion no to play necro.
gretchin, however does the trick excellently. he starts with a lot of goblins, gives them good bonuses (+4 attack on level 1) and i managed to start on a good location . that in mind, i can not be stopped, because i have sp around 60, attack and defense around 40, expert air and earth magic and air, earth and fire tomes, orb of inhibition banned and masters of spellcasting on. all in all, since i usually get the first move, thunderbirds being at speed 22, some of computer's "powerful" heroes do not even get to move at all.
anyway, thanks for the suggestion no to play necro.
Hello, just got several new ideas.
1) A script to make combination artifacts take up only one slot, not as many as parts are for them
2) A script to enable the armageddon's blade artifact (i think it is normally disabled). I have never seen it on over 50 different random maps i have played.
3) Please remove the stack experience ability some creatures get - deflect part of damage. It is more than once that this messes my whole game up (not through bugs, of course, just the fact that computer gets lucky and deflects almost everything. like, once i attacked something that had 25% chance to deflect 65% damage, but i hit the thing 5 times, and it deflected 65% EVERY TIME)
4) Please adjust dispel spell so that it can not dispel friendly spells from friendly creatures and hostile spells from hostile creatures. to balance it, it should have a chance of failing - dependent on caster's SP perhaps)
5) I will repeat an idea i once expressed in the old forum - if a hero with a high SP casts something, a hero with a small SP should have less chance (or no chance) of dispeling it or casting a spell with an adverse effect (high power casts haste, low power should not be able to cast slow on a creature affected by haste)
gotta go
1) A script to make combination artifacts take up only one slot, not as many as parts are for them
2) A script to enable the armageddon's blade artifact (i think it is normally disabled). I have never seen it on over 50 different random maps i have played.
3) Please remove the stack experience ability some creatures get - deflect part of damage. It is more than once that this messes my whole game up (not through bugs, of course, just the fact that computer gets lucky and deflects almost everything. like, once i attacked something that had 25% chance to deflect 65% damage, but i hit the thing 5 times, and it deflected 65% EVERY TIME)
4) Please adjust dispel spell so that it can not dispel friendly spells from friendly creatures and hostile spells from hostile creatures. to balance it, it should have a chance of failing - dependent on caster's SP perhaps)
5) I will repeat an idea i once expressed in the old forum - if a hero with a high SP casts something, a hero with a small SP should have less chance (or no chance) of dispeling it or casting a spell with an adverse effect (high power casts haste, low power should not be able to cast slow on a creature affected by haste)
gotta go
- Leprechaun
- Posts: 7
- Joined: 14 Jan 2007
- Location: Marseille (France)
Hi !
1 _ An option to have unlimited skills , possible ?
2 _ I don't know if this is doable : about the random map generator ->
_ equilibrate hill fort placement when playing with extended upgrade
_ equilibrate all that give mithril when playing with mithril enhancement . The players that play on grass always got too many mithril . Especially with mystical gardens .
Tcho !
1 _ An option to have unlimited skills , possible ?
2 _ I don't know if this is doable : about the random map generator ->
_ equilibrate hill fort placement when playing with extended upgrade
_ equilibrate all that give mithril when playing with mithril enhancement . The players that play on grass always got too many mithril . Especially with mystical gardens .
Tcho !
1) A script to make combination artifacts take up only one slot, not as many as parts are for them
It could be done only, f You use up a new (empty) artifact as a "combo".
2) A script to enable the armageddon's blade artifact (i think it is normally disabled). I have never seen it on over 50 different random maps i have played.
Not necessary. I have seen AB on random map.
3) Please remove the stack experience ability some creatures get - deflect part of damage. It is more than once that this messes my whole game up (not through bugs, of course, just the fact that computer gets lucky and deflects almost everything. like, once i attacked something that had 25% chance to deflect 65% damage, but i hit the thing 5 times, and it deflected 65% EVERY TIME)
Not my script. Please, Ask the author.
4) Please adjust dispel spell so that it can not dispel friendly spells from friendly creatures and hostile spells from hostile creatures. to balance it, it should have a chance of failing - dependent on caster's SP perhaps)
5) I will repeat an idea i once expressed in the old forum - if a hero with a high SP casts something, a hero with a small SP should have less chance (or no chance) of dispeling it or casting a spell with an adverse effect (high power casts haste, low power should not be able to cast slow on a creature affected by haste)
Interesting idea, but have no time.. Maybe next year.
It could be done only, f You use up a new (empty) artifact as a "combo".
2) A script to enable the armageddon's blade artifact (i think it is normally disabled). I have never seen it on over 50 different random maps i have played.
Not necessary. I have seen AB on random map.
3) Please remove the stack experience ability some creatures get - deflect part of damage. It is more than once that this messes my whole game up (not through bugs, of course, just the fact that computer gets lucky and deflects almost everything. like, once i attacked something that had 25% chance to deflect 65% damage, but i hit the thing 5 times, and it deflected 65% EVERY TIME)
Not my script. Please, Ask the author.
4) Please adjust dispel spell so that it can not dispel friendly spells from friendly creatures and hostile spells from hostile creatures. to balance it, it should have a chance of failing - dependent on caster's SP perhaps)
5) I will repeat an idea i once expressed in the old forum - if a hero with a high SP casts something, a hero with a small SP should have less chance (or no chance) of dispeling it or casting a spell with an adverse effect (high power casts haste, low power should not be able to cast slow on a creature affected by haste)
Interesting idea, but have no time.. Maybe next year.
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