Fabrice Cambounet E3 Interview

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Unread postby protecyon » 23 May 2005, 21:05

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby lord_crusader » 23 May 2005, 21:05

He didn't answer all the questions!!! :( when we can know more about Heroes!!?? :P
yay :)

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Unread postby The Filth » 23 May 2005, 21:16

Interesting read.

I noted that when Fabrice was asked if any heroes from earlier games are going to appear he said it was being discussed. And further down, in the answer to my question about fan influence he basically said they have listened to the fans and old heroes will appear. Nice. Hope to see Sandro =)

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Unread postby Slaughter » 23 May 2005, 21:17

We asked more questions than we were supposed to :)
Greetings from Olav (Staff at StrategyCore.co.uk, Slaughter)

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Unread postby Ryder » 23 May 2005, 22:54

How come some comments were deleted?

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Unread postby Vitirr » 23 May 2005, 23:15

Perhaps you mean the comments in the actual interview page Ryder? https://www.celestialheavens.com/402

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Unread postby Ryder » 24 May 2005, 02:05

You'd be right Vitirr. Well spotted. :)

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Unread postby Lepastur » 24 May 2005, 12:02

Hmmm, we got only a few information from this long-time waited event, so I feel a little bit dissapointed. The interview is fine, but it could have been made better, because we knew the answers of some questions by screenshots and such at that time, and I think some questions should have been out because, IMHO, it was crystal clear that Fabrice wasn't going to answer to them.
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Unread postby midnight » 25 May 2005, 03:53

Good point Ryder, my response to this thread disappeared too. Dunno why.

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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2005, 07:52

No offense to Fabrice or anything because it is cool that he is open to discussing the game, but frankly this whole "ask Fabrice a question" thing was a waste.

I'd say at least half, maybe more, of the questions were answered with a "we'll discuss that later" comment. What the hell did we bother asking for then?

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Unread postby Angelspit » 25 May 2005, 13:43

Here is the explanation I posted in the forums: "The problem with the interview was that we were trying to do a lot of things at once -- I interviewed Fabrice twice already, and got criticized for my choice of questions, so I thought a new format would be refreshing. So not only we would let fans ask the questions themselves, but those questions would be asked on location, by a person I had never met, in a very noisy environment, while Fabrice was on a very tight schedule... There was also the fact that by the time Mike arrived in Los Angeles with his list of questions, several previews had appeared on gaming sites, previews that answered a lot of questions. I was hoping Fabrice would have more to say about the artificial intelligence, a possible Might and Magic sequel and the editor and moddability, but I understand that the game is still in an early development phase. And that it's probably easier to discuss classic literature in a rave than to analyze artifical intelligence behaviors in a E3 hall. We had to listen to the recordings dozens of times to find out what was being said -- some very good questions were dropped because we just couldn't understand the answer. Actually, I'm suprised we even managed to put something on the Web at all.

On the other hand, I get the feeling that some people expected a list of spells, creature statistics or a detailed description of how siege battles work... These things are probably not in the game yet, or are likely to change a lot if they exist at all. We were spoiled lately with multiple previews, lots of screenshots, gameplay videos and even a trailer... If you cannot enjoy them and keep expecting more, you are going to spend a very long and boring Summer, trust me."
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Unread postby Lepastur » 25 May 2005, 15:55

As I said before, the interview is fine, and I understand it's a hard work due to the noise and it's a pity that some questions couldn't have been refreshed by coordination troubles, because it's so difficult to be in alert about other sites were publishing at that short space of time. I'm dissapointed because the answers of Fabrice, and not due to the lack of certain details on the interview, which it's so good than any other one with other different questions. But I also understand Fabrice is probably hand-tied, so I hope he really felt his lips burning in desire to tell us ALL (and more) about what's designed for the game (it doesn't matter if these things are developed or not), but the Company marketing strategy didn't allow him to do so.

I agree you, Angelspit, when you write about the Summer. It's better to know less now, so we'll have more things to be revealed, but there is an odd possibility (a little one near Zero I hope) that the Age of Silence could return once more again on Summer, so the best is to know more now... who knows?
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Unread postby King Imp » 25 May 2005, 19:26

Personally Angelspit, I liked your interview. Others thought you were "too easy" on Fabrice, but like you said, you weren't going to grill him like he was on trial.

I'm just disappointed at this latest interview because frankly most to all of the questions that were answered, we already knew about. The ones we didn't and are dying to hear about were responded with "we'll discuss that at a later time."

If it's because of the hectic schedule and noisy environment, that's fine, but I have a hard time believing it's because it's in an early developmental stage like you said. Fabrice himself has said the game has been playable for months now, so that leads me to believe the core of the game is done.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not like some who want everything revealed all at once. A little bit here and there is fine with me. Hell, aside from these latest leaked pics that I personally disliked, I've been more than happy with everything we've seen. It's just when this whole Q&A thing with Fabrice was announced, we all got our hopes up that our questions would actually be answered.

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Unread postby spiffyp » 27 May 2005, 02:50

Now, just because a game is playable doesn't mean that it's completed.

A game can be "playable" without having an AI in place.

It can be "playable" without all the hero abilities in place.

It can be "playable" without the creatures having ANY stats at all, or with only a few creatures having stats.

It can be "playable" without the underground being usable, without the FOW being in place, without a working magic system, without a completed combat system.

What I'm trying to say is that the word "playable" does not necessarily mean a whole lot. There are a myriad of definitions of the word. All that's really needed for the game to be "playable" is the basics of the engine functioning.

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