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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 11 Jan 2007, 20:42

ThunderTitan wrote:Same way i could understand most of the italian dialogue from Sailor Moon when i was a kid. And you get better at it with time.
Och på samma sätt som jag kan förstå vad andra skandinaver skriver, och vad norrmän säger...
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Unread postby Panda Tar » 11 Jan 2007, 20:47

ThunderTitan wrote:I just like how it sounds... not really a fan of the writing.
It has 16 vowel sounds, and the R sounds like in French. In Spanish, it's a different stuff. I don't like hearing Spanish dialogues because of the pronunciation of the vowels. Sounds rather annoying. :D But I like reading it. :-D

Sobre a escrita, a minha língua é cheia de fricotes. É bastante difícil em gramática, um milhão de regras e quase a mesma quantidade de exceções. Além dos casos de pronúncia das vogais que mudam o sentido da palavra como ocorre sempre...

Ai vazut ce a patit doi lei? Oare ce au mozii de is asa de "hotarati"?
Mas hein? :|
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2007, 20:59

Panda Tar wrote:
Ai vazut ce a patit doi lei? Oare ce au mozii de is asa de "hotarati"?
Mas hein? :|
Don't worry, that would have gotten me a 2/10 in any grammar school.
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Unread postby Robenhagen » 11 Jan 2007, 21:11

Gaidal Cain wrote:Och på samma sätt som jag kan förstå vad andra skandinaver skriver, och vad norrmän säger...
Så du forstår ikke hvad jeg siger, men kun hvad jeg skriver? :D

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 11 Jan 2007, 21:27

Habar n-am ce au ei, dar eu am examen la economie mâine şi de-abia aştept să scap de el. După aia îmi mai rămân vreo 14-15.

El erre es como en frances?! Graseyado (word?)?! ESTO no lo sabia y nunca no me ocurre! 8| De toda manera, yo por uno no lo puedo pronunciar.
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Unread postby okrane » 11 Jan 2007, 21:33

El erre es como en frances?! Graseyado (word?)?! ESTO no lo sabia y nunca no me ocurre! eyes wide open De toda manera, yo por uno no lo puedo pronunciar.
yo puedo :D:D:D

I would like to add that I really enjoy being in the company of the Brasilians here... I mean I find them the most opened minded and they are really easy to make friends with... I also like their good humor and the fact that they are always in good spirits... and always ready and willing to party :)
What can I say but: viva Brasil.... :-D

OTOH... chiar naspa ca l-au dat pe tipul asta afara... adica mi se pare cam drastic... si era chiar amuzant. Probabil ca o sa revina sub alt nume??
Desi mi se pare intr-un fel umilitor sa te reintorci dupa ce te-au dat aia afara.... Chiar... din ce cauza mai exact v-au pus chestia asta cu resetatul numarului de mesaje?

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2007, 21:42

theLuckyDragon wrote:Habar n-am ce au ei, dar eu am examen la economie mâine şi de-abia aştept să scap de el. După aia îmi mai rămân vreo 14-15.
Bafta maine.
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 11 Jan 2007, 21:42

Entonces dime como se hace, mi-ar prinde bine la examen la fonetica!

Să fie!
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Unread postby okrane » 11 Jan 2007, 21:48

din gat :D
bine... aici initial ne-au sfatuit sa tinem apa in gura si sa facem gargara incercand sa spunem bine... eu nu am incercat asta ca e cam ciudata faza... dar dupa cateva saptamani de stat aici in care toata lumea pronunta asa a venit de la sine...:)

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 11 Jan 2007, 21:58

Am citit pe wiki despre R graseiat şi se pare că dacă la R normal limba e cea care se mişcă, la ăla graseiat omuleţul e făptaşul. Îi zice Uvular trill. No zi-mi şi tu mie, cum să-mi triluiesc eu uvula?!
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Unread postby okrane » 11 Jan 2007, 22:03

well... practice makes perfect.... nici mie nu cred ca imi iese perfect... adica probabil ca nu mi se triluieste omuletul :D ... dar iese...

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2007, 22:08

okrane wrote: OTOH... chiar naspa ca l-au dat pe tipul asta afara... adica mi se pare cam drastic... si era chiar amuzant. Probabil ca o sa revina sub alt nume??
Desi mi se pare intr-un fel umilitor sa te reintorci dupa ce te-au dat aia afara.... Chiar... din ce cauza mai exact v-au pus chestia asta cu resetatul numarului de mesaje?
Ma indoiesc ca se intoarce, poate doar sa lase niste mesaje dalea "frumoase".

Cica s-a luat la cearta cu unu despre strategii sau ceva, si nu era deajuns de serois. :lol: Probabil a facut ceva bashcalie si a parut nesimtit rau. Mai distractiv era sa-i de-a pauza o sapt in fiecare luna. Bine posibil sa doar faca si mai rau in tp in care sa poata posta, da puteau atunci sa-l dea afara.

Aia cu resetatul tot din cauza lu doi lei, facuse ceva si i-au schimbat rangul in deochi, cand asta nu l-a potolit ne-a ars pe amandoi.
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"With ABC deleting dynamite gags from cartoons, do you find that your children are using explosives less frequently?" — Mark LoPresti

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 11 Jan 2007, 22:44

Robenhagen wrote: Så du forstår ikke hvad jeg siger, men kun hvad jeg skriver? :D
Japp. I alla fall om du pratar som de danskar jag hört hittils. :D

Nja, riktigt så illa är det kanske inte. Men jag har haft danska föreläsare, och det var jäkligt jobbigt innan man vant sig.
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Unread postby Kalah » 12 Jan 2007, 00:11

Jeg var i Danmark på utveksling en gang sammen med noen svensker, og de skjønte ikke hva danskene sa... og vice versa :S

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Unread postby winterfate » 12 Jan 2007, 02:22

Ah, não quis dizer festas. Sou extremamente calmo (a ponto de parecer autista) e também não sou de ir para festas (ou como dizemos atualmente: baladas), só volta e meia e faz até bem. É só não beber que aí você vê as bobagens que todo mundo faz para você poder tirar sarro (tirar sarro = laugh at like pinching and teasing) do pessoal. As pessoas quando estão bêbadas são bem engraçadas.

Ah, OK. A veces salgo a pasar el rato, pero llevo tiempo que no lo hago (pero ya mi próximo semestre de clases comienza el 16; ya no tendré tanto tiempo para hacer otras cosas :( ).

Y para contestar tu pregunta sobre la microbiología: Es un científico que investiga la vida de las bacterias y los viruses (y como curarlas, identificarlas, etc.) Por alguna razón siempre me han fascinado (aunque la mayoría no se puedan ver a simple vista). Uno se puede hacer de mucho dinero trabajando en un laboratorio (o al menos eso he visto).
I would like to add that I really enjoy being in the company of the Brasilians here... I mean I find them the most opened minded and they are really easy to make friends with... I also like their good humor and the fact that they are always in good spirits... and always ready and willing to party
What can I say but: viva Brasil....
:S What about the Puerto Ricans? We're cool too. :tongue:
And the Brazilian morale you're talking about is actually more of a Latin thing in general (Puerto Rico is supposedly the happiest place on Earth; kind of hard to believe actually :-D).

But, since we're on the subject....¡Que viva Brasil! ;) And what's Paris like, btw? (I've always wanted to sounds so COOL! :-D)
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Unread postby okrane » 12 Jan 2007, 13:12

well.. I don't know any puerto ricans... so I can't really tell... still the other south americans are fun too...

Paris... it's just like it sounds... so cool. I mean... it is a really beautiful city... and what always impressed me is that along with milenia of culture, like architecture and such, you can see the modern civilisation of our times.

Everyone should come here, at least once... it's very romantic ;)

of course when you get stuck in the subway or go into some nasty neighbourhood things are not so glamorous... but... these are the problems every large city has...

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Unread postby Milla aka. the Slayer » 12 Jan 2007, 15:53

Kalah wrote:Jeg var i Danmark på utveksling en gang sammen med noen svensker, og de skjønte ikke hva danskene sa... og vice versa :S
Er det her endnu en nordmænd-er-så-seje-fordi-de-kan-tale-med-alle-proklamation?! :hoo: :D
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 12 Jan 2007, 16:51

Ce que j'ai aime le plus quand je suis alle a Paris, c'est le metro. Louvre, Tour Eiffel, Versailles, tout ca, oui... Mais le Metropolitain en premier place :) Vrai, je ne me suis pas perdu comme tu dis...
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Unread postby okrane » 12 Jan 2007, 17:07

Moi non plus... mais passer au moins une demie heure pour aller au plus proche lieu d'interet... c pas mon idee de fun... et en plus... si tu vas au Chatelet quand tout le monde va au travail, ou qd ils rentrent chez eux, tu verras pourquois je ne l'aime pas...

Et je deteste egalement le fait qu'il n'y a plus de RERs apres minuit et demi... alors je peux pas vraiment rester en ville trop tard... bon... sauf si je suis avec des amis qui ont une bagnole...
Last edited by okrane on 12 Jan 2007, 20:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Panda Tar » 12 Jan 2007, 18:02

winterfate wrote: :rofl:
Ah, OK. A veces salgo a pasar el rato, pero llevo tiempo que no lo hago (pero ya mi próximo semestre de clases comienza el 16; ya no tendré tanto tiempo para hacer otras cosas :( ).

Y para contestar tu pregunta sobre la microbiología: Es un científico que investiga la vida de las bacterias y los viruses (y como curarlas, identificarlas, etc.) Por alguna razón siempre me han fascinado (aunque la mayoría no se puedan ver a simple vista). Uno se puede hacer de mucho dinero trabajando en un laboratorio (o al menos eso he visto).
Hum, eu não acho muito interessante a microbiologia de fato. ;) Mas o que eu gostaria mesmo de saber, é o que você pretende fazer a respeito dela. Como pretende trabalhar com isso? :D

I would like to add that I really enjoy being in the company of the Brasilians here... I mean I find them the most opened minded and they are really easy to make friends with... I also like their good humor and the fact that they are always in good spirits... and always ready and willing to party
What can I say but: viva Brasil....
Sim, viva ao meu pais! Vou responder em inglês para facilitar sua vida (:tongue:): you have gotten the good thing about Brazilian folk. They're very happy, funny and doesn't care about many problems world is often concerned with. But, you'll see that Brazilians are really focused on their doings, although not really patriotic. What can I say about this relation...? Well, you'll see that Brazilians like doing things in their way, and it goes very way all the same. Some foreign enterprises like hiring Brazilians because they show a different view, which some may call: "jeitinho brasileiro". But, inside our country, this competence is not seem as a great thing, so, Brazilians are most likely to leave the country if they want to make money. They stay here when money is not that important.

I know not foreigners here, just some that live for a long time in here. So, I cannot say whether I think which ones I'd like the most. I like almost everyone here in the boards, but that's hard to say if you people are the exact mirroing profile of your country. :D
:S What about the Puerto Ricans? We're cool too. :tongue:
And the Brazilian morale you're talking about is actually more of a Latin thing in general (Puerto Rico is supposedly the happiest place on Earth; kind of hard to believe actually :-D).
I heard something about that. Jamaica was supposed to be the happiest country of all. Brazil was 14...I don't remember. :) But that's not an important thing. If you mean happiness for you and for the ones you love, there's no statistic that can mess with it. :D And for you, your country will be the happiest of all (p.s.: it may not be applied when talking about wars, of course. I mean personal condition. :devious: ).

Eu somente ouço algumas coisas sobre Porto Rico, mas nunca foi um país que realmente tenha me chamado a atenção. :D É que o mundo latino não é um mundo que eu tenha muita vontade de visitar ainda. Mas, existem pequenas coisas que vemos e descobrimos sobre os demais países latinos que valem a pena ver e saber mais. Por isso é que eu gostaria de visitar muitos dos que vêm a este fórum, porque pelo que nos falam sobre seus países, mesmo que pouca coisa, mostra-nos que há muita coisa boa por aí. ;)
"There’s nothing to fear but fear itself and maybe some mild to moderate jellification of bones." Cave Johnson, Portal 2. :panda:

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