
The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby winterfate » 10 Jan 2007, 04:33

Just dont let yourself being drawn to the dark side by those evil high post number spammers
Yeah, DL that's some really good advice...considering you're one of them :devil:.

But seriously, Lord Rogie. It is aulfgar says:
Yes keep ones comments to things you need to say and not to add to the post counter.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 10 Jan 2007, 08:52

winterfate wrote: Yeah, DL that's some really good advice...considering you're one of them :devil:.
Said the guy with 660 posts to the guy with 2 posts :tongue:

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Re: Hello

Unread postby arturchix » 10 Jan 2007, 09:51

Lord Rogie wrote:I've been reading these boards for sometime,and everyone here seems nice and respectful,not like some of those other kiddie boards where everyone is always ridiculing everyone else,so I decided to sign up. :mad:
I'm currently playing Dark Messiah Might And Magic & Heroes Of Might And Magic V,and enjoying them both.
Hi, Lord Rogie, and welcome to Celestial Heavens. :tsup: You could post some of your impressions about Dark Messiah in our Dark Messiah forum. :)

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Unread postby Metathron » 10 Jan 2007, 15:23

Welcome to this side of the asylum, Lord Rogie. ;)

As for which Heroes games to play, I'd say playing them in order is the best idea, because going back to an older installment of a game will sometimes leave a lot to be desired. A specific case is one of my friends who was introduced to the HoMM series with HoMM 3, and loved it. However, when she decided to tackle HoMM 2, she claimed she didn't like it, though I suspect she simply didn't give it enough of a chance. Personally, I started the series in 1996 with HoMM 2 and had no problem going back to try HoMM 1 out. What is more, I enjoyed it immensely, so you best decide for yourself. :)
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Unread postby Elvin » 10 Jan 2007, 15:39

I didn't play the heroes games in a row too!
I started with H3 and after I had finished all campaigns and played let's say a lot( ;)) I wondered what the backstory of H2 was. It took some time to track it down as it was already rare and found out that although not as good as H3 it was more addictive and fun! :D
Then after a strange streak of coincidences a friend of mine running the dos found out that the H2 cd also had H1 hidden inside 8| Didn't play it a lot as it was nowhere as appealing as H2 though it was quite different.
Then H4 was on the horizon and I was overjoyed! It lasted for a while but I was disappointed about some things that didn't allow me to enjoy it as the previous ones. Still a good game in its own right.
And of course the unexpected H5 which I still enjoy but I'm disappointed in that it could have toppled H3 but failed for several reasons. So much potential that could make it from good to exceptional...The support only makes things worse.

My suggestion: After you've played H5, try H3 and then H2 or H4. Try not to mix them all at the same time. All games were good but you can only spend so much time on them! If you have friends to play together you will enjoy it so much more! :)
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Unread postby Alamar » 10 Jan 2007, 23:31

Welcome Lord Rogie ...

People here are mostly respectful UNTIL you start participating in some hot button issues then they'll be tons of :mad: :devil: :| :disagree: floating around ....

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 11 Jan 2007, 15:04

Alamar wrote: People here are mostly respectful UNTIL you start participating in some hot button issues then they'll be tons of :mad: :devil: :| :disagree: floating around ....
Yes, the worst thing you can do on a forum is use evil smilies... Why i'm already peeved just from seeing them.
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Unread postby asandir » 17 Jan 2007, 05:26

Welcome Lord Rogie .... just be wary of our resident Titan (I woulda added the satanic one as well, but that's a little redundant these days), and pay no attention to his postcount .... he's far more prolific then he let's on ;)
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Unread postby winterfate » 17 Jan 2007, 22:35

Welcome Lord Rogie .... just be wary of our resident Titan (I woulda added the satanic one as well, but that's a little redundant these days), and pay no attention to his postcount .... he's far more prolific then he let's on
Couldn't have said it better myself! :-D
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Unread postby Caradoc » 18 Jan 2007, 02:51

If you haven't already, drop in at the Campfire where you can talk about whatever. It's a good way to meet the regulars (many of whom are irregular).
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Unread postby Omega_Destroyer » 18 Jan 2007, 04:11

Welcome to the table Lord Rogie.
And the chickens. Those damn chickens.

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