These ultimates are driving me mad... I wanted to get Nature's Luck, but it cannot be obtained during the campaign. Then I got myself after Ultimate Protection, which would: 1, make your hero nearly invincible and 2, would be really funny. Then at around the 23th level I was offered 4 such skills from which none fits the ultimate. I had to reload an earlier savegame when my hero was 1 level lower and choose another skill there to solve the problem, ok, I can bear it once. But then I realized that I dont have a chance to reach the ultimate, cause I'd still need 8 skills and I'm on the last mission... Grrr... And of course those about 3 or 4 witch huts that I met were so late in the game that they never wanted to help me (does anyone know till when they do? Is it a certain level limit or a skill limit or when you have all your slots filled and she would have another skill?).
By the way most of the ultimates seem to be too hard to get compared to the benefit they offer; Nature's Luck and Ultimate Protection seem to be overpowered to me, Arcane Omniscence and Urgash' Call are "ok" (really strong ones, but not as good as the ones operating with luck though), and then the Knight and Necro ones do seem to worth all the fuss... Am I right?
And does anyone know anything about Retribution in details? I mean some hard numbers, what the bonuses are for the different morale modifiers.