Heroes 5 Allied maps

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Heroes 5 Allied maps

Unread postby davhey » 18 Dec 2006, 23:13

Hi all,

My wife and I are life long Heroes players, all the way back to #1. We love to play Heroes V, but have run out of maps to play MP. We only like to team up against other computers.

I have HOF, but I can't seem to generate team maps. Are there any allied maps for download that someone could recommend?


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Unread postby Lyan » 18 Dec 2006, 23:52

There's a way to set teams using the map editor i think, but i honestly cannot tell you how to do so, i'm sure some guy ou there will soon explain you this.

Concerning HOF maps i downloaded some made by users and found none really cool, maybe island of wonder, which can be downloaded via the main page of the site could be funny 2vs2 :) Still, there's a little mod which allow the comp to set HOF units and artefacts on previous maps, as well as choosing fortress heroes on those maps, but i cant remember the link :(

If will look for it tomorrow, hopping that someone will link it before ;|

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Unread postby Blaze85 » 19 Dec 2006, 12:48

Generate a random map, then set your castles allied in the map editor. This is the only way as i know...

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Unread postby Caradoc » 19 Dec 2006, 17:57

Of course it is not hard to modify an FFA map for coop play. And if you'll list the ones you've played, maybe someone can find you a new one.
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Unread postby Gomer_Pyle » 06 Nov 2008, 14:36

hi all.

New to this forums. But I am a old timer in HOMM. Played them all.

Me and my friend want to play allies but can not find any maps for that?

We only got HOMMV and not the expensionpacks.

You talk about it is possible to set allies in map editor. But when i try to change the map properties "teams" the black dots in there simply do not wanna be on the same team.

Is there anyone in here that can help me with explaining how to do this on all the maps that i have downloaded please?

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Team maps

Unread postby felcrest » 13 Nov 2008, 19:49

When in map editor on the team screen keep in mind how ever many teams you select their must be at least one dot in each colume. As for maps that are already made for team play I like to use http://www.maps4heroes.com. They have maps for Homm 3 to 5 they even have some campainges. My wife and I also like playing on the same team and I have some maps that you might like.

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