Dream Team

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby BrYzAs » 15 Dec 2006, 11:50

1)Imps(steal mana)
2)Blood Furies(obviusly)
3)Cerberi(initiative and multiple atack)
4)Succubi(chain shot)
5)Archilich(dark magic caster)
6)paladin(nice dmg)
7)Titan(ranged atack)
B-) B-) B-)

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erased. over. out
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Unread postby erased. over. out » 15 Dec 2006, 17:26

Here's my list:

1. Assassin
2. Crossbowman
3. Vindicator
4. Vampire Lord
5. Archlich
6. Rakhshasa Raja
7. Archangel

My rationale for picking the above is as follows: I picked two low level, yet effective shooters in the Assassin and Crossbowman. With poison and no range penalty, respectively, the opponent can't ignore them for long.

Vindicators are simply amazing level 3 units, in that they have good all-round stats and their cleave skill is a b*tch, especially when you have them in large numbers.

The Vampire Lord and Rakhshasa Raja were picked for their no retaliation traits. The Vampire Lord is also effective during sieges, as it can teleport past castle walls. The Rakshasa Raja has a solid attack and great health.

Archlichs were chosen for their Dark Magic spells (love casting decay on high level units) and cloud attack, which can pester the enemy during castle raids. Last but not least, the Archangel was picked 'cause it's a flyer and has the ressurection ability.

What do you guys think? :)

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Unread postby winterfate » 15 Dec 2006, 19:41


1. Imps
2. Zombies
3. Hunters
4. Druids
5. Unicorns
6. Cavaliers
7. Shadow Dragons

Off the top of my head, that's what I would have for my dream team (upgraded, obviously :D).
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Unread postby jorko80 » 15 Dec 2006, 20:56

Hi All,

You all miss something that the topic-starter said : ONLY ONE CREATURE PER TIER!

Now watch and learn :)

1- Sprite
2-Blood Fury
6-Pit Lord

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Unread postby Sathasarus » 15 Dec 2006, 22:25

1. Imps (mana steal)
2. Marksmen
3. squire (shield block)
4. vampire lord (ez money)
5. Fire Mage or Inquisitor
6. Treants (hard to pass up thanes) but treants protect mark n fire n imps if u got tactics and squires protect from range..
7. Devils if summon pitlords work once a devil has been killed or Black Dragons if that's not the case.

blackdragons r nice cause they r magic resistant soooooooooo :0


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Unread postby Caradoc » 16 Dec 2006, 06:32

Banedon wrote:Lyan I think your choices are a bit too focused on the Ranged side. It's normal, it's natural, but for an army to be viable you can't have all Ranged creatures only...just like you can't pick the best creatures of every level and throw them together, you have to consider which units benefit the rest of them.
Of course you can go all ranged. You just need a couple than can handle melee conflict when necessary (Titans, Inquisitors).
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 16 Dec 2006, 06:47

I decided to make a whole melee town just as a contrast:

1 - imps
2 - furries
3 - bear riders(I didnt use them,but from what I read here and their stats,theyd complement this lienup very nicelly)
4 - raiders(to complement the furries)
5 - nightmares
6 - paladins
7 - angels(if you want to make it a pure walker town,just toss magmas here instead)

Interestingly enough,this lineup is very similar to my initial one,even though I always preffer range over melee fighting.

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Agnus Dei
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Unread postby Agnus Dei » 16 Dec 2006, 10:36

I'd like to see you crack this nut:

lvl 1 - Shieldguards
lvl 2 - Obsidian Gargoyles
lvl 3 - Squires
lvl 4 - Vampire Lords
lvl 5 - Deep Hydras
lvl 6 - Ancient Treants
lvl 7 - Magma Dragons

Not the most deadly rooster but would be fun to see them in action.
The Grim Raiders could have gone instead of Vampires, but I wanted to keep the "3 large units per faction" rule.
And yeah, let there be a knight hero B-)
Last edited by Agnus Dei on 16 Dec 2006, 11:06, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Mytical » 16 Dec 2006, 10:43

The big and meaty approach huh? Might suffer in a seige, but man in an open field they would wreck some havoc. Some really nice set ups here.
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Unread postby Mightor Magic » 16 Dec 2006, 16:12

jorko80 wrote:You all miss something that the topic-starter said : ONLY ONE CREATURE PER TIER!
I'm guessing this was suppose to mean one creature from each Faction. Looking back at my list, I wasn't that far off but I didn't take anything from Inferno and two from Sylvan.

Replace Unicorns with Nightmares: Lose MR and Blind for the Fear affect. Not as good as Nightmares are only offense and are much easier to kill.

Replace Treants with Pit Fiends: Lose the hold and Take Root abilities for casting power and offense. Vorpal Blade? Ok.

Ok, revised list:

Pit Fiends

I would have to use Unicorns more often now but I think my lineup would be more flexible offensively with the Pit Fiends.

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Unread postby arturchix » 16 Dec 2006, 16:16

My dream team would contain all shooter units with good skill bonuses, no range penalty and Nature's luck. :)

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Unread postby Orfinn » 16 Dec 2006, 22:13

Hehe all these teams make up for some very crazy town line ups! :D

Ok until now this is my team:

Tier1: Assassin (poison)
Tier2: War Dancer (their combo is quite useful if surrounded and as a finish blow on multiple weak stacks)
Tier3: Spectre (their incorporability
Tier4: Imperial Griffin (diving)
Tier5: Silver Unicorn (blind and magic aura says it all)
Tier6: Warlord (thunder and lightning, yeah!)
Tier7: Magma Drakes (It says it all, these things are darn though!Not even blackie beats such fire poer and health IMO)

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Unread postby OliverFA » 17 Dec 2006, 14:49

I just noticed that I would like to make a team entirely formed by Level 4 creatures... :hoo:

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Unread postby OliverFA » 17 Dec 2006, 14:58

By the way, this proposal has a little problem. As you know, the cost for all units is not the same. I am not trying to criticize the idea, just thinking about making it better. IMO it would be more interesting if you had to build your team with a limited amount of gold and resources. Or even with a limited amount of XP.

It is still interesting to pick the best creature for each tier without worrying about costs ;)

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Unread postby Ascetic » 21 Sep 2007, 05:55

1. Sprites - Annoyances with ridiculous speed and a useful cast against ranged enemies.
2. Blood Furies - 'nuff said.
3. Master Hunters - IMO the best shooters for damage and cost.
4. Vampire Lords - Complement the Furies and have limited self healing.
5. Arch Liches - Useful spells and an area effect to their ranged attack. Turtle Killers.
6. Pit Lords - Comes in with a magical smackdown, and protects my shooters.
7. Black Dragons - This one was tricky; I'm fond of both the Titan and Emerald Dragon. Given all my shooters and speedy melee fighters, this antimagic tank won out.

Throw in a Warlock hero with Light magic buffs, and I'm pretty happy.

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Unread postby Ascetic » 21 Sep 2007, 05:58

arturchix wrote:My dream team would contain all shooter units with good skill bonuses, no range penalty and Nature's luck. :)
Teleport assault and a few Deep Hydras (or Pit Lords) would really ruin your day.

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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 21 Sep 2007, 18:05

1) A buttload of Peasants back at the castle
2) Skirmishers
3) Cerberi
4) Imperial Griffins
5) Unicorns
6) Pit Fiends
7) Emerald Dragons
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Unread postby okrane » 25 Sep 2007, 07:38

ok here goes for me:

1) Assasins
2) Blood Furies
3) Black Bear Riders
4) Grim Raiders
5) Nightmares
6) Champions
7) Pheonixes

led by Agrael with Expert Mass Haste ^^ (ignore the 5 large creatures)

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