Dark Ritual Mod

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Dark Ritual Mod

Unread postby okrane » 12 Dec 2006, 09:57

Hi S_T

This is my request for the mod that reduces Dark Ritual's movement cost just by 75% .


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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 12 Dec 2006, 21:51

OK, i checked it out today, and unfortunately Nival did not leave any part of it moddable.

here is the definition for it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Spell ObjectRecordID="1000042">
<NameFileRef href="/Text/Game/Spells/Hero_Special_Abilities/DarkRitual/Name.txt"/>
<ThisIsANameFileRef href="/Text/Game/Spells/Hero_Special_Abilities/DarkRitual/ThisIsAName.txt"/>
<LongDescriptionFileRef href="/Text/Game/Spells/Hero_Special_Abilities/DarkRitual/Long_Description.txt"/>
<Texture href="/Textures/SpecialAbilities/Dark_Ritual.(Texture).xdb#xpointer(/Texture)"/>
<Item href="/Text/Game/Spells/Hero_Special_Abilities/DarkRitual/SpellBookPrediction.txt"/>
<Item href="/DarkRitual.(SpellVisual).xdb#xpointer(/SpellVisual)"/>

...and if you look at these values particularly:


you see that these are essentially "null" entries, with no data that can be modified.

this is unlike the spell summon creatures:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Spell ObjectRecordID="1000098">
<NameFileRef href="/Text/Game/Spells/Adventure/Summon_Creatures/Name.txt"/>
<ThisIsANameFileRef href="/Text/Game/Spells/Adventure/Summon_Creatures/ThisIsAName.txt"/>
<LongDescriptionFileRef href="/Text/Game/Spells/Adventure/Summon_Creatures/Long_Description.txt"/>
<Texture href="/Textures/SpellBook______2618/Spells/Spell_SummonCreatures.xdb#xpointer(/Texture)"/>

where you can clearly see editable values for the damage (which translates as cost per creature xfered), and the duration (which translates as movement point cost).

I'll try actually placing a value for duration into the dark ritual entry, but I doubt it will work.


...and, it doesn't.

sorry, it looks like it isn't possible to mod this one.

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Unread postby okrane » 12 Dec 2006, 23:33

:sad & dissapointed:

Well, at least we tried. Thanks for your effort

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