reference ID's?

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reference ID's?

Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 02 Dec 2006, 00:20

Does anybody know which file contains all the reference ID's for the various skills, spells, etc?

for example:

lightning bolt's reference ID is 119.

which file contains that reference?

the reason I'm asking is that I'm trying to separate creature spells from hero spells by creating a new set of spells for creatures to use, based on the effects of the original spells.

to do that successfully, I need to be able to create a new reference ID forthe new spell (I think, as just creating the reference in the standard reference tables appears insufficient), otherwise it doesn't show up in the creature's spellbook.

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Unread postby Ravachec » 10 Dec 2006, 20:12

look in the types.xml file, all the id's are there.

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 10 Dec 2006, 21:09


actually i realized later that it wasn't necessary to add an ID number, as I found some spells that didn't have IDs and still worked.


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