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Unread postby asandir » 30 Nov 2006, 01:40

well we swap out OD for SWST and TT .... :D

so are you guys in or out
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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Nov 2006, 08:17

Ok, and we are about to get one other (observe the forum RPG). Now I can pick up a temporary cleric or one of you can volunteer to run one (minding that they may go away when Omega returns). A druid can heal though, so it may not be neccessary at all.
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Sir William S Titan
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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 30 Nov 2006, 19:47

Mytical wrote:Well while the theif is following the walking wall like figure (he is really big mind you), the druid is just now meeting up with this group. Doesn't take much for him to see the creature wrapped arround Sun's Wrist, and the obvious pain she is in.
So...am I inside the painting, or outside, viewing in?
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Unread postby Mytical » 30 Nov 2006, 21:01

Actually the painting is just a doorway. You were in the room (that is through the painting) with the others when the giant guy fell from the ceiling. And just to spice things up, everybody is 6th level (for finding the solution to this riddle of the painting, impreggnable wall, and such). Getting close to the special skills listed, and 5 levels after the special skills the special classes. (Choosing lvl 15 for the special classes, call them whatever you will). Working on what everybody might have access too, but might allow some crossovers..

Please note these may or may not enter the frey at level 15.

Spellslinger- A cross between a fighter/mage or ranger/mage. They have found a way past the cold steel/iron problem, but at the sake of power. Speed however is also increased for their spells. Casting one handed, they can only use one handed weapons when slinging. No shield, bow, second weapon, or two handed weapons if casting spells. No verbal or componits are needed, but effect is only half that of a mage of similar level.

Protector of Nature - Somewhat of a monk, somewhat of a druid. Instead of getting ac without armor, they are allowed to wear leather and still benifit from the AC bonus. However the bonus is not as great as a monks (even without the leather). Also the Protectors can not advance in Druid to the special circles of druid power (like Grandmaster Druid). Still the combination of physical proless of a Monk with the spellpower of a druid is nothing to be scoffed at.

Maybe others, but maybe not.
Last edited by Mytical on 30 Nov 2006, 21:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 30 Nov 2006, 21:05

Alright. Thought I was outside.

I'll work from this, then.
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Unread postby asandir » 01 Dec 2006, 03:23

well looks like it's about to get a bit rough!
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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 01 Dec 2006, 16:06

Vlad the Gnome Thief has joined the game. He can Pick Pockets, Hide in the Shadows, Find and Remove Traps and Move Silently.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 01 Dec 2006, 16:07

Yay!Another thief to be turned into fodder :devil:

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Unread postby asandir » 04 Dec 2006, 02:11

fodder schmodder .... you'd be lost without me!!
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Unread postby Mytical » 04 Dec 2006, 07:12

For those of you who decide to help Stefan chase the druids compainon you will get a similar PM as to what you see. Don't forget however, I believe DL has a few items that belong to each of you (or are they still in the room?) and that there is still the key to contend with. However Merlin tells you he knows the solution, but you all must be together before he will say anything.

:rofl: The lynx made you do it, that has to be one of the most original lines ever uttered. Yeah sure Stefan...we believe you....

Anyhow I never gave you all the stats of the creature that is probably half way to brazil (if it could reach there that is lol). I named it a Magic Ripper but there has to be a better name for it.

Some future useful information. Rippers are a form of Lurker Above that are generally found in small cramped dark places (like small treasure boxes). They can hide in shadows with a 90% chance, and even if that fails a modified perception - 7 is needed to spot them. While true seeing will negate the Hide in Shadows, it still only allows a chance to spot them without some other light source. They look like manta rays but are much thinner. Diet consists of blood and magical energy. Blood will not allow much growth, even if they consume it in mass quantities, while magic will make them grow at an astonishing rate. Soon they get 'full' on magic and become official Lurkers Above. Though the two are identical at this stage, the lurkers do not have Rippers or vice versa. They are two different animals that in later life become identical.
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Unread postby asandir » 06 Dec 2006, 01:27

The lynx made you do it, that has to be one of the most original lines ever uttered. Yeah sure Stefan...we believe you....
*takes a bow*

thank you, thank you, why does nobody believe the rogue?
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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 06 Dec 2006, 17:52

Mytical wrote:Don't forget however, I believe DL has a few items that belong to each of you (or are they still in the room?)
I believe he only picked up his staff, and left the rest...as far as I can remember. I took the bow, though. Which it would be nice to have information about this bow.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 06 Dec 2006, 18:05

Information about the rest would be appreceated too.Especially the staff.

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Unread postby Mytical » 06 Dec 2006, 18:57

Well the remaining mages (DL and Sun) would have to cast Identify or Item Lore (level 1 also I believe) to learn more about these. Right now besides they are unusual that is all that is known.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 06 Dec 2006, 19:01

My lore would be somwhere around 15 now,but if thats not enough,sun has unlimmited identifies :devil:

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Unread postby Mytical » 06 Dec 2006, 19:06

Unlimited yes, but remember each identify takes 8 hrs :). As for Lore, until you know a little more about the items, lore doesn't help much. Magical weapons (with a few exceptions) don't exactly have "I am a magic weapon of x type" written on them. Without some type of rune (these have none) or unusual craftsmanship (these really dont' stand out either) Lore can't really help. (Btw multiple identifies can be done at one time, but you have to physically touch each item for 8 hrs straight during the spell, so it is limited to how much you can touch and keep ahold of for 8 straight hours).
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 06 Dec 2006, 19:13

Mytical wrote:Unlimited yes, but remember each identify takes 8 hrs :)
Never heard of that rule before.But anyway,considering there are 7 items(there was 7 of us then,right?),she can do it in three days.

As for the lore,yes I know its not instantenious,but I do expect for you to tell me "you recognize the material as...","you suspect this marking to be...",etc.

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Unread postby Sir William S Titan » 06 Dec 2006, 20:05

Ah. Right. Forgot about the need for identification of items... Oh well.
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Unread postby Mytical » 06 Dec 2006, 20:05

Well believe me, if the meterial was identifiable I would have let you know, and no markings so..anyhow I assure you, you know about as much about these as any living non-godlike creature :). Even Merlin (considered THE mage has not even a bit of incling to this :) ) so feel special ;).
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Unread postby asandir » 08 Dec 2006, 01:52

I grabbed the short sword too honest
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