MMVII - Up against a brick wall

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MMVII - Up against a brick wall

Unread postby Karienne » 03 Dec 2006, 17:26

8| I've recently pulled out MM7 to play again. I remember quite a bit, and have never made it through the entire game. I'm actually stuck on a few things and can't find my way.

NOTE: Request for **SPOLIERS** here, so if you don't want to know, don't look!

I have not yet upgraded my castle the 2nd time (not good enough yet for Walls of Mist), will my shops in Harmondale be usable until then? I mean, I have to clear out the monsters on the 2nd level before they will open, right? I didn't steal the tapestry, so goblins and swardsmen have attacked Harmondale. I did get the golem done to help me out though.

Invisibility - Isn't this what I have to use to complete Walls of Mist, Lord Markham's Vase stealing, and stealing the stuff from Castle Gryphonheart, and the Tapestry from Castle Lambent, right?

Castle Navan - How do I open that trap door to that big room below? I clicked everywhere! (Everyone always says that.) I can't figure out how to open it and get the treasure!

Any suggestions or confirmation would be fantastic!
Thanks y'all!

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Unread postby Justice » 03 Dec 2006, 19:45

The swrodsmen and such only are on the first floor, where you enter, and the dungeon. In the dungeon it's a good idea to use the stairs to help you. Else it is just about running and shooting the blokes :D Once you have killed them, then remember to sleep outside Harmondale. Once you get bakc shops and houses should be open again :)

Invisibilty is indeed the spell to use for The Walls of Mist. Take one key each time, in once of the cases you can cast invisibility in a lift, but else it's just about taking one key at the time and not using them before you have all 3.
stealing from Gryphonheart and Lambent is also a good thing to use invisibilty with. However stealign the vase... I've tried invisibility countless times. Never works, always run into a guard or something, so by now I'm just running through them.

I always forgett that, luckily enough I did that one week ago... After having clicked everywhere and every single book in the library :disagree: look down on the floor where you know the door is, press everywhere on it. Perhaps it's something about that you can't stand on it while pressing, not quite sure since I always find it accidentally ;|

Oh, by the way, I'm not sure you can do it unless you have the quest. If you are good you won't get the quest.

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Unread postby Karienne » 03 Dec 2006, 19:51

Awesome Dude! Thanks. I will be trying these this afternoon then.
Navan - I did not have the quest, so that's I'll bet you're right on that.
Vase - OK, I'll just kill everything then. :proud:

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Unread postby Justice » 03 Dec 2006, 23:32

np :D
How fun is this? LOTS!!!!

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