Change sorcery and add a secondary ability to Wizard?

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Change sorcery and add a secondary ability to Wizard?

Unread postby Campaigner » 30 Nov 2006, 08:18

Ok, I want to request a mod for Wizards that changes the Sorcery percentages to something like 20, 40, 60 and a secondary ability after Magic Insight or Arcane Training that treats all hero abilities as spells (so MotW and Counterspell can be useful).

Can this be done and is there a nice soul out there willing to do this? :)

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Unread postby Sir_Toejam » 30 Nov 2006, 09:16

I think the first might be able to be done, but I don't think the second is possible.

actually, now that I think about it, I don't think event the first is possible; AFAIK, most of what the hero skills do is hardcoded; only a few perks and feats have modifiable aspects to them.

like i can change the power and cost of the hellfire perk, for example, but i don't see anywhere that one can change the base percentages for sorcery.

I could be wrong, but it sure isn't in the skills.xdb file; all there are for sorcery are references to the text descriptors and graphics files.

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