Conceptiually best heroes game?

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Which is the conceptually best Heroes game?

Heroes I
Heroes II
Heroes III
Heroes IV
Heroes V
Total votes: 93

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Unread postby Akul » 28 Nov 2006, 18:38


Holy Is not the same as good! You can do evil deeds believing that you do good deeds in name of God. You are still evil.

And by your philosophy, there shoould be a faction for gargoyles, vampires, minotaurs, lapracheuns, wolves... in fact, how can centaurs be in elven faction when they are not elves?

The fact is, that the H4 faction is not demonic or udead, but unholy! No matter if they are mixed. That is a FACTION, not race.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Nov 2006, 19:11

vhilhu wrote: and why are inferno and necro so different?
Necro is not different enough.Except for the dragons,its all human corpses.Even if you slay an elven or inferno army,you get human skeletons.*yawn*!

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Unread postby vhilhu » 28 Nov 2006, 19:47

elfs and humans are much more alike than undead and humans.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 28 Nov 2006, 20:18

vhilhu wrote:elfs and humans are much more alike than undead and humans.
Actualy dead humans = undead. ;) So it's like saying that elves are more alike to adult humans then human children.
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Unread postby vhilhu » 28 Nov 2006, 20:34

youre getting too deep here.

its concept that matters. story(in this case thinking of humans and undead as relatives) can be made up in absolutely any way later on and it isnt the story that i see when ordering someone around the battlefield, and btw is there anywhere said that half you skeletons were NOT elves? imo anything that has been dead and reanimated is undead. as h5, differently from aow, doesnt have Dark Elves as reanimated normal elves, i cant see why elves arent related to undead too.

undead have bones, decayed flesh and transparency.

both humans and elves have pinkish skin, always 2 legs & 2 arms(no spectral thingy where legs ought to be), no big fangs, being almost identical, different in only that elves have those funny pointed ears and for some reason all recent elves are blond or completely white-haired, but humans are very often blond too so thats not some important fact.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Nov 2006, 20:41

Defend it all you want,but the fact is that models of all undead are made to look like animated humans(except for the dragons).Yes,you can have half of undead skelies,or all of them.But thats not what the model looks like.Its a human skeleton,not an elven one.

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Unread postby vhilhu » 28 Nov 2006, 20:43

DaemianLucifer wrote:Yes,you can have half of undead skelies,or all of them.But thats not what the model looks like.Its a human skeleton,not an elven one.
how can you be so sure? imo an elven skeleton would look exactly the same as a human one, since ears are not included with them.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Nov 2006, 20:46

Elves differ from humans by more than just ears.They have completelly different bone structure and internal organ structure.And can you honestly say that the artist thought "Hey,lets make an elven skeleton"?

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 28 Nov 2006, 20:56

DaemianLucifer wrote:Elves differ from humans by more than just ears.They have completelly different bone structure and internal organ structure.
And this you know from where?
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 28 Nov 2006, 21:00

Simple logic.They are more slim then humans,yet have the same,if not greater(which is usually the case)mucsle mass.That means different bones and different muscles.Their natural disease immunity(besides the magical one they possess as well)implies different organ structure.Not to mention their different diet,which leads to different digestive tract as well.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 28 Nov 2006, 22:50

vhilhu wrote:imo an elven skeleton would look exactly the same as a human one, since ears are not included with them.
First of all even among human races the skeletons can be told apart, even if only by the skull. Even if elven skeletons resemble human ones alot their skulls should be way different. SCIENTIFIC FACT.
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Unread postby pepak » 29 Nov 2006, 05:58

DaemianLucifer wrote:They are more slim then humans,yet have the same,if not greater(which is usually the case)mucsle mass. Their natural disease immunity(besides the magical one they possess as well)implies different organ structure.Not to mention their different diet,which leads to different digestive tract as well.
I would very much like to know the source you base your claims on. As far as I can tell, just about all sources I know of (fantasy books, role playing games etc.) would agree with you on "they are slimmer than humans", but that's it. The others are your own innovation as far as I can tell.

Not to mention that even if your claims were true, I fail to see the logical link that leads from "more muscle mass in less space" to different bone structure (could be simply a better efficiency of the same structure), natural disease immunity to different organ structure (could mean something as simple as more aggressive lymphocytes), from diet to digestive tracts (do vegetarians have a different digestive tract than flesheaters?).

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 Nov 2006, 06:53

pepak wrote: I would very much like to know the source you base your claims on. As far as I can tell, just about all sources I know of (fantasy books, role playing games etc.) would agree with you on "they are slimmer than humans", but that's it. The others are your own innovation as far as I can tell.
No,all say they just look slimmer on the outside.All the fantasy books that describe elves the way most of us knows them,describe them as supperior to humans in terms of strenght,speed,sight,etc.
pepak wrote: Not to mention that even if your claims were true, I fail to see the logical link that leads from "more muscle mass in less space" to different bone structure (could be simply a better efficiency of the same structure),
Greater speed means lighter body.Lighter body,and higher strenght means stronger muscles and stronger bones.
pepak wrote: natural disease immunity to different organ structure (could mean something as simple as more aggressive lymphocytes), from diet to digestive tracts (do vegetarians have a different digestive tract than flesheaters?).
Yup,they have.All herbivores have different structure than omnivores.And elves arent just vegetarians,they are herbivores(when you eat only plants for thousands of years,you evolve)

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 29 Nov 2006, 07:55

DaemianLucifer wrote:Yup,they have.All herbivores have different structure than omnivores.And elves arent just vegetarians,they are herbivores(when you eat only plants for thousands of years,you evolve)
Except for, like "Master Hunter", That suggests something, doesn't it?
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Unread postby asandir » 29 Nov 2006, 09:04

plants with legs?? or maybe master gatherer didn't sound so hot
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Unread postby Akul » 29 Nov 2006, 11:14

We have gone off-topic here. Make a topic that talks about Elven skeletons or I'll comma...ask Kalah to return order.
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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 Nov 2006, 12:34

Gaidal Cain wrote: Except for, like "Master Hunter", That suggests something, doesn't it?
Except that they dont hunt game but the enemies of the sylvan empire.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 29 Nov 2006, 19:24

DaemianLucifer wrote: Except that they dont hunt game but the enemies of the sylvan empire.
And feed the remains to wild animals. :devious:
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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 29 Nov 2006, 22:03

DaemianLucifer wrote:Simple logic.They are more slim then humans,yet have the same,if not greater(which is usually the case)mucsle mass.That means different bones and different muscles.Their natural disease immunity(besides the magical one they possess as well)implies different organ structure.Not to mention their different diet,which leads to different digestive tract as well.
There's only one way you could know all of that. Are you dissecting elves in your secret lair? :devil:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 29 Nov 2006, 22:50

What?!Who told you that?!!I...I mean...What lair?Hahaha...Silly mortal,I have no idea what youre talking about.Exit...stage :left:

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