Barbarian Hero/Units/Town setup suggestions

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 26 Nov 2006, 17:39

Hmm...Making a special offensive skill might just work for a barbarian hero.For example

Basic:Hero gets a bonus to his attack depending on his attack skill(50% of its attack),and gets 10% initative bonus after an attack(like sorcery).
Advanced:As basic,but uses 80% of attack and gets 20% initative bonus.Also,damage done spreads to units adjacent to the target(10% splash damage).
Expert:As advanced,but its 130%,30%,15%.
Ultimate:As expert,but its 200%,50%,25%.

As for the feats,what TT suggested would be nice.

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Unread postby Dudu » 26 Nov 2006, 18:13

some suggestions on a barb town:

Tier1: Goblin/GoblinRaider: Cowardly (-1 to morale every time friendly stack dies +1 every time enemy stack dies.) Wallclimber (can climb walls and ignore moats.

Tier2: Orc/Orc warrior: shooter,no melee penalty,enraged, heroic strike(chance to strike with 50% defence penalty.

Tier3: Ogre/Ogre mauler: large creature, Stunning strike(20% chance)

Tier4: Shaman/woodoo priest: shooter, spellcaster( magic arrow, bloodlust:+9 offence -2 defence, raise dead)

Tier5: Troll/Mountain Troll: regeneration, Bully(50% damage to tier 1 creatures)

Tier6: Wyvern/Poison Wyvern: flyer, poison strike, immune to dark magic spells.

Tier7: Cyclops: large club(damages units behind) Battle roar(1 use per combat, all friendly units temporarly gains 2 spaces on the atb bar)

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Jolly Joker
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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 26 Nov 2006, 18:20

DaemianLucifer wrote:Hmm...Making a special offensive skill might just work for a barbarian hero.For example

Basic:Hero gets a bonus to his attack depending on his attack skill(50% of its attack),and gets 10% initative bonus after an attack(like sorcery).
Advanced:As basic,but uses 80% of attack and gets 20% initative bonus.Also,damage done spreads to units adjacent to the target(10% splash damage).
Expert:As advanced,but its 130%,30%,15%.
Ultimate:As expert,but its 200%,50%,25%.

As for the feats,what TT suggested would be nice.
Yeah, very interesting. So your hero is something like a Warlock, but reduced to pure Destructive Magic and with unlimited spell points. That sounds just great. Very interesting.
Creatures will be a copy of Dungeon as well except, wait a minute, we only need meat shields. Biiig, meaty meat shields. Press D all the time and let the hero do the work. Will make interesting battles.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 26 Nov 2006, 18:39

Jolly Joker wrote:Ah, so your racial is akin to Rune Magic, but the hero can't learn normal high level magic. Wonderful. Very interesting.
Do you even read the posts or just parts of them?

I meant he could get special attacks like the Dwarfs get rune spells, per special building lvl, not that it's a modifier Artificer skill. :devil:

The MR would be a secondary effect, and it could be made into an overall chance of spells not working at all for both sides. I'm sure Nival can balance it somehow, just look how great a job you think they done so far.

And you honestly don't think Orcs would fit the Barbarian archetype?! :|

Oh, and DL, how about each time the hero attacks he gives his troops short term bonuses instead of himself? Different ones based on the type of attack?

Jolly Joker wrote: How about this: Blood Magic as a racial which would basically work the same way like Rune Magic except the hero would have to sacrifice CREATURES instead of resources. Sacrifice a Goblin and get Bloodlust onto them.
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Unread postby innokenti » 26 Nov 2006, 19:16

I'd be interested in seeing an Orc town along the lines of what we already know from Dark Messiah.

They seem to be devoid of magic (and the Shaman of the tribe is a spiritual leader with a bigger stick than the others rather than a chap with funky spells) and generally goblins, cyclopes, pao-kai and orcs don't get on with each other. But that shouldn't prevent them being in a town together.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 26 Nov 2006, 21:23

innokenti wrote:(and the Shaman of the tribe is a spiritual leader with a bigger stick than the others rather than a chap with funky spells)
There you go, they could just give them moral and spiritual suport instead of actual spells (cast bloodlust sounds about right).
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