Wrong. If you still haven't gotten it now, you may never get it.
Fine. At least I have the comfort knowing that I have reasons for thinking so, but you don't.
That means 3 attack when your enemy makes 2,and not 2 attacks when he makes one.
You sure? Imperial Griffins Battle Dive - opposing Ranged creature has no targets so Defend - Imperial Griffins hit with Battle Dive - Imperial Griffins physically attack opposing Ranged creature. That's two. Whatever happens after that is irrelevant, since the Ranged creature is unlikely to deal any serious damage.
I wasnt refering to them all dying either.And you can expect to fight a neutral stack after neutral stack with no furries dying if you know how to use dungeon to the max.If you dont know how to play necro,you will loose a lot even with them.
Not if you're up against Ranged creatures with no Hydras yet.
3 hydras no.6 hydras yes.
See what I mean by 'takes time to get going'?
When fighting ranged units you cannot wait for the gated units to arive,you have to strike with cerberi as soon as you can,or youll loose a lot.They have the same life span from my experience.
It depends on whether the Ranged creatures aim the Cerberi. They might very well aim the Familiars.
HV plays way differently than HIII.So you dont use only hunters and the rest as meat shield,you use druid and hunters,and the rest as support.Necro is the only exception here because they relly only on skel archers.The rest utilize more units.
I was going to cite JollyJoker's post, but I won't. The Hunters are the key units. Because Sylvan is blessed with another Ranged unit, Sylvan has more options and more Ranged firepower. Of course you don't use just Hunters and the rest as a meat shield. Do you use Archliches as a meat shield with Necropolis?
Oh, and having thought about it, I'll give Dungeon's key unit as the Blood Fury.
True,but you wont fight a huge battle after a huge battle against neutrals,so you need mostly one cast per 2,3 days.
Once I put together my Sylvan army I can reasonably expect to fight two battles a day as I blitz a large map (this begins to happen on Week 2). In smaller maps it doesn't happen.
No,I am suggesting that even during the expansion you can(and probably will)use spells.If you consider an army with hydras,you may as well consider a hero with master of storms/ice and the appropriate spell.
Your original post was directed at Black Dragons.
Magical immunity doesnt work on dungeon,and mass haste is useless if your units dont survive the first round.
Sure it works. It reduces damage. And explain why the units don't survive the first round. The destructive damage is of course great, but seeing it's the end of the game, both sides are bound to take casualties.
Oh come on!Of course I pick up feats as soon as I can!Whats the use of IM if you dont take empowered spells?Whats the use of expert dark early on?I wont ever have expert dark without at least one mastery,and I wont ever have expert attack without at least one feat.Tactics comes as soon as I get expert attack,as well as master of ice/storms comes as soon as I get ice bolt/lightning bolt.Logistics may be the only exception here(notice may).So you need level 2 for tactics,not four.And that can be reached pretty soon.
Do you mean you can take a Learning Stone (or whatever it's called in Heroes 5) and immediately be offered Tactics?
8 with haste.12 if you use wait.And you dont need light for haste,its a level one spell.Plus with power of speed(an attack feat),its free.
You have not only to outspeed the Succubi, you have to avoid them. That's not going to be easy without Teleport.
Yes,those druids will surelly attack zombies Oh,and I thought furries werent killer units
Whoops, I meant finesse units. Finesse units are generally not as valuable as killer units, but in the case of Dungeon, with no killer units at the beginning, something has to give.
No, Druids won't surely hit the Zombies; they'll probably aim the Skeletons (Animate Dead time). If I end up losing Zombies it's probably because of walkers.
As for ranged duel,necro can easilly take on sylvan in pure ranged fight.And dungeon is far more supperior than you think.First,dungeon will almost always strike first,so you will loose either archers if you split your troops in fear of AoE spells,or your fast punchers(paladins/unicorns/nightmares/djinni)if you pack your troops.Next,you need to neutralize their troops as quickly as possible,which is quite difficult because of the hydras,because every turn of the hero means another ~1k damage to your troops,and thats an unavoidable damage because of the IM.You can ressist it with unicorns aura and gargoyles immunity,but just partially.
In a purely Ranged fight Necro beats Sylvan only after Necro amasses an unstoppable army of Skeleton Archers, and even after then it is by no means a guaranteed victory. Sylvan has two killer Ranged units; Necro has one (if you classify Archliches as support).
As for Dungeon, yes, you will lose creatures. You have to - it's Dungeon's greatest strength, and if one race beats the other without losing anything something's seriously gone wrong. You don't need to neutralize the Hydras however. They haven't been Teleported, and if they are Teleported, the hero won't have casted a destructive spell.
Well this is why dungeon doesnt suit you:Its made not to stand behind and endure any damage but to strike before the enemy can even see the BF and wipe them all out.Their spells arent used for buffing/cursing(except in rare cases)but for disintegrating the enemy.
Every race has its weaknesses and strenghts.Necro has weak units,haven is a bit slow,wizards are expensive as hell,inferno has a bit weak units.But necro compensates with numbers,haven with sheer HP and defense,wizards with mini artifacts,inferno with gating.As for sylvan,I really dont know what their weakness is.Maybe their wood dependancy Dungeon lacks defense,but compensates with great offense.
Perhaps, and until I finish the Dungeon campaign I won't press any more arguments. After all, I might be wrong (or I might simply have built Raelag wrongly; he doesn't have Teleport right now).
wimfrits - Regarding the Familiars, it's not initiative, it's speed. The Familiars don't quite qualify as a fast puncher to quote DaemianLucifer; they take time to reach over the map. And if they have to stay out of range of Ranged creatures as well, it might be three turns. That's not good.
As for Hydra regeneration, they oddly don't for me...as in the battle against the Succubi, I lost 5 Deep Hydras. To regenerate them all would have required me to stall another 10+ turns, not easy. I'll have to fight more battles like that and see.
OMG! It's not JJ at all. It's csarmi, masquerading
![smile_teeth :D](/forums/images/smilies/smile_teeth.gif)
Tell csarmi to finish the Chaos / Death battle that's still in the Heroes IV forum (though you did lock the topic, but if csarmi wants to finish it, do unlock it). I believe I have csarmi cornered; the mass Chaos magics is the end.
Counterspell? What the hell? Warlock and Ranger need 27 points which aren`t realistic in normal game. Only Wizard can get counterspell in normal game. And even if he will have it, he`ll spend his turn doing nothing while your units are trashing his. I doubt that academy units can beat dungeon ones when heroes aren`t casting spells, what is more dungeon has easier start so most of the time warlock will have even bigger army.
I didn't say Dungeon has to face Counterspell in each and every battle incidentally. And, you know, I thought Dungeon's main offensive power is their hero.
But then again I've never played Academy, so I'm not going to argue this, either.
EDIT: Oh yes, one more question. How does Dungeon deal with fast walkers (for example, Djinn Sultans)?