Broken Negotiations

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Broken Negotiations

Unread postby meows » 24 Nov 2006, 10:57

OK OK> I give.. gosh, i am stuck at the castle. Well I went to the castle and am supposed to leave Darvin lands. So I went to the first garrason and barely won that by constantaly rezing troops. but when i get to the first garrason the rocks are still there.. how do i get past this? I have been all over the map and there is no other way.

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Unread postby arturchix » 24 Nov 2006, 12:38

You beat the first garrison? Wow. 8| You are supposed to find a way around the garrisons and not fight through them. The map is very much straightforward so I'm not sure it's possible to miss anything, except going a way back to kill the wolves.

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Unread postby yankeee80 » 26 Nov 2006, 08:07

If I remember correctly there's a teleporter south west of the town.

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Unread postby JayThomas2007 » 26 Nov 2006, 19:54

I'm having trouble getting a force through the first gate. A message pops-up saying I can only bring units per the list but there is no list.

What can I take through the first garrison.

[EDIT] Never mind, I found it.

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