ERM help requests

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ERM help requests

Unread postby Beholder » 21 Nov 2006, 17:41

Recently there has been an idea to make ERM help even better. That means that we want to introduce more examples and explain the code more. We also want to give better descriptions where they seem to be awkward or misunderstood. So far there are few people who will deal with it. I am one of them and that`s why I`m writing this post - I`d like you to add here your suggestions to what should be added and enchanced in ERM help. If you can`t understand some part or something is vague to you - please write it down here. It will help us to make the ERM help even better.

It will be some time before the new version will be released but I want to start gathering your feedback right now - it will enable us to find more things that should be changed.

As the time will pass by I`ll add your feedbacks to this list:
Things to be added/changed:
- a general introduction to writing scripts, programming basics, what is ERM actually?
- update of 'list of the claimed'
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Unread postby Arkas » 22 Nov 2006, 22:48

I would add a note stating:

When placing terrain objects (mountains, trees, etc... ) that the 3rd or 4th syntax for !!UN:I needs to be used, and that only the first instance of the object in the type/subtype list will work (134 for mountain will work, 185 for mountain will crash the game).

Also, I couldn't find any mention of the ability to use [mapname].erm, or where to place it (\maps folder) in any of the help.

I know I've had some issues with the Help recently, but this is all I could remember... :)

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Unread postby Arkas » 29 Nov 2006, 03:05

Help Text for UN:I


#1..#5 - See above;
#6 - Type of object (see Format OB);
#7 - Subtype of object;
#8 - Terrain (see Format T);

Format T Should actually be Format TR.

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Unread postby Arkas » 01 Dec 2006, 02:13

Format OB - Additional Objects is missing:

Type 90
Subtype 1

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I'll add more as I find them :)

I'm currently only looking for missing information that would be helpful, and mistakes, because I think that should be fixed first. As for examples, there are alot of the receiver options that do not have examples, however most of them tend to be fairly self explanatory, I'll keep an eye out for the ones I think might need to be explained more in depth.

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Unread postby Beholder » 02 Dec 2006, 09:07

Thanks for your input. It`ll take us some time because the ERM help is probably going to get a new design.

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Unread postby Arkas » 02 Dec 2006, 09:29

I was wrong about the second instances of the landscape objects (mountains, trees, etc...)

Some of them do work. Only most of them crash the game, and some of them don't show up but allow the game to continue.

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Unread postby pansz » 13 Jun 2007, 10:34

more help on EA:B for some special SE1 values,

for example:

"115" is "Enchant", but we got no idea we should use 49 for 115, and, what is the following?

1 will be basic, 3 will be expert, 4 will be mass, 5 will be mass+R, 6 will be mass+RE

What is the meaning of Mass+R ad mass+RE? this is not documented.

when the 3rd parameter is 76, this means "Deflect", but the 4th parameter here can be 0-200, it is not documented what the meaning of the 4th parameter.

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Unread postby Storm-giant » 10 Jan 2009, 17:20

Could someone post here the link to a ERM page? The unic that I remenber is that thee background is brown and it was listed every script, every funcion&variables&such amd more.
(I know it's quite general, but I want it back)
And I think PoL post it time ago.
Edit:i was wrong, it's just the ERM help which is stored on your computer after WoG instalation, inside ''erm_help'' folder.
Sorry for the post :S

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Unread postby doom3d » 24 Jan 2009, 12:54

Just a remark: !!CA0/#:; is missing from original 3.58f help, but avalaible in 3.57f help. # is number of town on the map (0-47)

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Unread postby sick-boy » 22 May 2009, 13:36

looks nice :D

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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 31 Aug 2010, 21:52

I'm new to this whole ERM scripting business.

Code: Select all

!#VRv1:S0; [set variable v1 to 0]
!$OB11/13/0; [Visit Wizards Tower trigger 1st visit]
!!IF&y1=0:M^You have written a Wizard Tower Script. What a Wizard you are!^; [show message1]
!!VRy1:S1; [set v1 to 1]
!!IF&y1=1:M^You have already visited the wizards tower!^; [show message2]
This is my first functional script which works on a scenario I am making in which it has been placed. I have managed to make the both messages appear together the first time and the second message only appears the second time. All I need to know for now is one thing.

How do I stop the second message appearing the first time around, so that the second message will only appear once the wizard tower has been visited and *not* the first time it is visited.
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Unread postby Salamandre » 31 Aug 2010, 23:00


!$OB11/13/0; [Visit Wizards Tower trigger 1st visit]
!!IF&v1=1:M^You have already visited the wizards tower!^; [show message2]
!!IF&v1=0:M^You have written a Wizard Tower Script. What a Wizard you are!^; [show message1]

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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 01 Sep 2010, 12:41

Salamandre wrote:ZVSE

!$OB11/13/0; [Visit Wizards Tower trigger 1st visit]
!!IF&v1=1:M^You have already visited the wizards tower!^; [show message2]
!!IF&v1=0:M^You have written a Wizard Tower Script. What a Wizard you are!^; [show message1]
Thanks, the script does work, but what does !!PO988 mean? It doesn't appear in ERM for dummies, although P does.

I take that N? sets the N variable, so that the last line can set variable N to 1.

So ?Y would set the Y variable instead. Am I right?
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Unread postby Salamandre » 01 Sep 2010, 15:02

ERM for dummies is only a friendly made short guide by QD to help approach, but will not show the totality of triggers and receivers, get the whole ERM help for that

PO998 is gathering informations about the square your object is. If zero, object was not visited, if 1, visited (in this case). But there are endless ways to script your object, using flags and using set variable (as you did, but wrong). Just choose one (however the PO is the most effective as it does not reserve any flag or variable).

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Unread postby Slayer of Cliffracers » 03 Sep 2010, 08:36

Salamandre wrote:ERM for dummies is only a friendly made short guide by QD to help approach, but will not show the totality of triggers and receivers, get the whole ERM help for that

PO998 is gathering informations about the square your object is. If zero, object was not visited, if 1, visited (in this case). But there are endless ways to script your object, using flags and using set variable (as you did, but wrong). Just choose one (however the PO is the most effective as it does not reserve any flag or variable).
This is what I get if I try to access ERM help.
Why can't I get Help from this program?

The Help for this program was created in Windows Help format, which was used in previous versions of Windows and it is not supported in Windows Vista.

For more information, see Windows Help program (WinHlp32.exe) is no longer included with Windows on the Microsoft support website.
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