Shauku wrote:
You see, I cannot make that as a problem. a) I will never have 1000 Druids. b) they are a caster/shooter, meaning just that. Early on, it is (almost) always more efficent to cast a spell. At middle, it depends on the enemys defence, whether it is on range and magic resistance and a lot of factors in general. In late game the shooting usually is always better, with some exception as a very high defence + deflect missiles and stuff. Your 1000 example is ridiculous, and even in that case I have no problem in using the shooting with my creature, that is a caster/shooter.
if the spell damage is not different from the normal attack why have one?
So,let me get this straight:Using whats primarilly a caster as a shooter isnt the same as having two shooters,but having casters damage(and just its damage,the rest(ignoring attack and defense,range and adjacent melee units)remains the same as it is now)have a linear progression is the same as having two shooters?
Oh,and just because you wont have high stacks doesnt mean that the situation is imposible.
Shauku wrote:
And it could be interesting to apply the non-linearity to other damage as well. But I see the casting more like a (very good) perk to a shooter, and am not having the slightest problem with it. If it was their main weapon (Genies of 4) it would be horrible not to get the damage increased linearly (if other damage did increase linearly)
Hold on,how isnt lightning/stone spikes main attack of druids?Or magic fist/fireball for mages?Or fireball/meteor shower for pit lords?They are casters first.So what if druid has only three casts of lightning before he is drained?Dwarven shooter(forgot its name)has only two shots,yet he is considered a shooter,right?Titans are considered shooters,even if they can cast call lightning unlimited times and can shoot only four times.
Ok,all of this has nothing to do with liches harm touch,so could the mods please move the last 12 posts(I think that should do it)