Playground of the gods...WOW!

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Playground of the gods...WOW!

Unread postby madjack » 14 Nov 2006, 21:25

This map was awesome. I cant remember how to pronounce his name but

he also made battle for androna and fury of the elements. Keep up the

good work man, with maps like yours this game can be played forever.

Oh.... If you could make simular maps in a med to large map it would

be great. You Rock !

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Unread postby Caradoc » 14 Nov 2006, 22:38

Yes indeed. Excellent work. I'm becoming a fan.
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Unread postby Bonzer » 15 Nov 2006, 00:00

The author is Myythryyn, and I too have played Androna finding it awesome.

I have tried Fury of the Elements which I didn't finish because the graphics became too jerky due (I believe) to all the height changes. When I have more patience I will return to it.

I have yet to try Playground of the Gods, but would expect the same high standard from a clearly talented map maker.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 15 Nov 2006, 01:33

I played Fury of the Element (or at least, am playing) and so far it is great. it really is very choppy and slow, but is you turs quality to very low you should be fine. original landscape and great story with good scripting, this is a great map. recommended.

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Unread postby atma6 » 15 Nov 2006, 17:47

Fury of the Elements is a great map, but unfortunately Sylvan is the only faction I can't stand playing so I had to stop.

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Unread postby Caradoc » 15 Nov 2006, 18:39

atma6 wrote:Fury of the Elements is a great map, but unfortunately Sylvan is the only faction I can't stand playing so I had to stop.
That's odd. I really like playing Sylvan -- those Sprites are so darn cute.
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Unread postby okrane » 16 Nov 2006, 12:27

I like his maps very much too... but I have problems with the performance...and I don't have a lowsy computer...

Even the Elements map moved kind of slow and I had a low framerate... even if it was a rather small map... I should add that I never experienced any problems of this sort when playing official maps...

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Unread postby Axem » 17 Nov 2006, 23:34

Amazing map, Myythryyn's put a lot of time into this one and it really shows.

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Unread postby myythryyn » 19 Nov 2006, 00:18

thanks for the great feedback guys. maybe you can also help me make some descions about the map.
its been up for testing now for awhile, and i will have to decide if its ready to be published.
so far, ive had feedback now of the maps slow performance, and even that the map crashes in some cases. i think this is due to the large amount of objects on the map.

even i dont want to do it, since i intended this map to be one of the biggest maps made, i think im going to remove alot of objects from the map to see if i can improve its performance.
im going to leave the starting areas/underground alone, but i think im going remove the entire outside ring of land from the central landmass and reduce its size. and then go over the map and take away some more objects here and there.
ive also heard that the amount of teleporters some people found confusing, so might take some of those away too.

ok let me know what you guys think if i should reduce the map, or if i should just leave the map as it is, if the slow performance of the map is bearable.

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Unread postby okrane » 19 Nov 2006, 00:30

well.... why not make two versions of the map? one with all the stuff, and another lite version... Seems to me it is a waste to remove all those things you spent time to arrange on your map...
and those who are having performance issues(like me :D), can play the lite map... while others they can enjoy the full thing ;)

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Unread postby Caradoc » 19 Nov 2006, 01:13

My advice is to keep the big one and tell players what kind of resources they are going to need. I have not restarted since loading the expansion, but I have seen where others are saying that their performance is improved.

I'll give it a try with HOF installed and all the graphics settings minimized. I'm on an old machine with only 512MB of memory and a 4x graphics card, so if it works for me, most players should be oK.
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Unread postby myythryyn » 19 Nov 2006, 01:40

yes, i could make two versions of the map. ive never seen it done yet, but im sure site administrators wont mind if you post two versions of the same map.

thxs for the offer to try that out Caradoc, ill have to try that too, im probably ready to test the map again, after playtesting it eight times, you kinda get bored of playing your own map :)
im particularly interested to try out this with patch 1.4(quoted from patch notes)

- the delay between clicking on a hero's destination and his actual movement on the adventure map now fixed

this lag/delay was very noticable on the map, so maybe thats been fixed now.

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Unread postby soupnazii » 19 Nov 2006, 02:41

before you remove stuff, i suggest you try to get rid of some trees, thin them out a bit. alot of the time thick trees cause all the problems. try that out.

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Unread postby Bonzer » 19 Nov 2006, 09:34

myythryyn wrote:yes, i could make two versions of the map. ive never seen it done yet, but im sure site administrators wont mind if you post two versions of the same map.
Over at "Maps for Heroes" someone called sxshopper has posted two versions of their map, "Fatal Controversy". I have yet to try it out, but one is described as "Lite version". I initially thought this would be an easier version (less AI goodies, etc), but it may be less eye candy for speed.

Either way, two versions, one "Lite" has been done, but not here at CH. Yet.

Good luck Myythryn with your experiments, looking forward to the results.
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Unread postby myythryyn » 19 Nov 2006, 15:17

soupnazii wrote:before you remove stuff, i suggest you try to get rid of some trees, thin them out a bit. alot of the time thick trees cause all the problems. try that out.
luckily there is only two forested areas on the map, and they arnt "heavily" forested so i dont think its the trees.

but i think i will do that, i will make a light version of the map. if anything it will be an interesting experiment to see what percentage of downloads end up being the full vs the light version. if it ends up that the majority download the light version, then maybe ill just have to make more maps like that then.

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Unread postby Axem » 19 Nov 2006, 16:37

myythryyn, we all appreciate the great work you're doing. Thanks for asking for feedback too, very cool. I pretty much go for the bigger maps and it's good to see you seem to enjoy making those. I'll give away a little performance for a great map anyday.

I'm looking forward to seeing the lite version of Playground. I haven't finished Playgound yet. I bought the expansion yesterday and I still find myself playing this map rather than the news ones with the expansion. :hail:
I still get to take on some Dwarves guarding mines and such.

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Unread postby Caradoc » 20 Nov 2006, 03:08

I've just abandoned a game due to performance degradation in month 3. I have only 512MB of memory, so I use a memory manager to free up unused memory when less than 16MB is available. At this point in-memory data structures have filled memory to the point where recovery operations are taking place every few turns. Since this takes about 5 minutes, the delays have gotten to be too much. I have this problem on all 'too big' maps.

Outside of this, though I have not seen any problems. Computer player turns are taking less than a minute (total) and saves take about a minute. After a save and exit last night, it took about 5 minutes for a start and load this morning.
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Unread postby myythryyn » 20 Nov 2006, 20:30

thank you for trying that out Caradoc.
i have 1 gb of ram, which might is no doubt the reason the map didnt get that bad for me.
well, i have to say im dissapointed. I guess thats the price we pay for having fancy eyecandy graphics, or a poorly designed game engine.

it frustrates me that the editor allows you to create maps that are not playable on some systems, and is even slow on the best of computers.

i wasnt able to do much with the map this weekend, but it looks like ill have to do something. i wonder what the percentage of players out there cant play this map.

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Unread postby madjack » 21 Nov 2006, 21:05

Once again thanks myyth... Myself I only had mininum slowdowns but I have 2 gig ram so that helps. Like I said when I started this thread I would just like to see the same type concept in a smaller map. Not alot smaller mind you cause I like the large map but I think I would like to see you producing 2 large to very large maps in the same time it takes you to make a TOO BIG FOR YOU

Something that would take you between 6 to 12 months game time to win. Playground was exelent but it took 1 week short of a years game time to beat. But I was having to much fun collecting mass amount of troops with my necromancer with herald of death. You Da Man !

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Unread postby Axem » 21 Nov 2006, 22:34

So, it is beatable? I'm getting my butt kicked all around the playground so far. :)

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