Tourney is running on the map "Ashes and Sands".
Your task is to as fast as possible open all obelisks, dig out Tear of Asha and build up Mother of Darkness in your starting town. The winner will be the one who will be able to do it, spending less possible game-days.
November 26th, 2006
Some details:
Albeit all obelisks are located in one spot of the map, the way to this place is blocked by good bunch of Phonixes

If you want to participate, you should:
1.Download this zipped file, which includes the map and the save.
2.Map should be placed in folder Heroes of Might and Magic V\Maps\
3.Save should be placed in folder Мy Documents \My Games\Heroes of Might and Magic V\Profiles\Your Profile\Saves\
4.Complete the task and send the final save (by naming it as TF6-Your name.sav) to this email:
5.Also you should make temporary saves each day and keep those saves at least a few days after the tourney is over (this is necessary if you will win the tourney and other players will be interested how you did it