Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine. [upd. 05.11.2023]

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Rodril » 29 Dec 2018, 18:24

Hello, patch link have been updated.
Now Smiths, Armorers, Alchemists, Sailors, Navigators, Horsemans and Explorers are available to be hired;
Sounds of mm6 monsters will be quiter/louder depending on distance to party, same as mm7/8 ones;
First levels of Breach's basement will be less swarmed with monsters, also fixed maze generation issue happened at levels below 6th.
Milky1988 wrote:Anyone at all?? I can't figure out the console at all...
Why do you need to change age of your characters? There's ingame way to do it - drink rejuvenation potions, age will be decreased (bonus age will go to negative values), though actual age will stay same. If there's reason to only do it via console, there's script:

Code: Select all

for i,v in Party do
	v.BirthYear = Game.Year - 18
J. M. Sower wrote:In Scripts/Globa/ExtraArtifacts.lua I have disabled this function in area of new button:
I've changed ExtraArtifacts.lua, no idea why "Sleep" function causes other Action events to be handled. It is very good script, i think any kind of additional paperdoll paintings can be added in game this way, but i don't know why would you need to change position of loupe, could not you just keep it at same spot and let original button to change interface, while new button will just track it's state. Also you can directly change state of loupe by editing dword at 0x523040: "mem.u4[0x523040] = 1" will activate it, "mem.u4[0x523040] = 0" will deactivate, "mem.u4[0x523040] == 1" will tell state.

These bugs have been fixed, thanks:

Code: Select all

Reported by Strobe: 
- Travel with Stable to Tularean Forest is a bit too rare (it seemed more often in vanilla game imo)

reported by: Yaknchuk » Oct 18 2018, 14:38
Enroth, Bounty hunts can spawn in New Sorpigal while party is at level 1 and checks the bounty hunting quest. This really sucks when it turns out to be a very high level creature and you no longer have access to town. Don’t ever recall checking the bounty and having it spawned in town when you leave the building, But I like the idea of the bounty spawning somewhere on the map you are in.

Reported by: Jamesx » Nov 13 2018, 22:53 and commented upon by the community
Right now i did a quest for cleric promotion, and those thieves in Smugglers cave seemed too strong. Somehow they learn the Rock blast spell, that kills half of may squad 21lvl in one shot  Maybe it should be like that, so.. just in case))))
Xfing: But yeah - thieves having master spells is overkill, not to mention not very lore-friendly :p
A good solution for scaling weaker monsters would just be raising their magic skill, rather than giving them the most powerful spells. A Fire Bolt scaled up to Fire Magic level 60 can be devastating as well, you know! Low-tier mages and non-mage characters shouldn't run around wielding master-level spells. Liches on the other hand could get Souldrinker on higher levels, if it's been even coded to work for monsters.
Found a bug with character conditions: when characters get cursed or something else, their portraits changes for a moment, but then returns to normal. don't know if this happen after last update or previous.
Kliff: Yeah, I'm checking a bit and when my party had Haste wear off, Weakness was applied for all of a couple milliseconds before, poof, everyone was fine again.
Xfing: for some reason since the latest patch the weak condition doesn't display on the portraits. I suspect this has something to do with Rodril working in the zombies, I might be wrong though.
Vetrinus: I noticed that too. When reviving a character from death they don't come back weak.
Jamesx: Not only weakness, other conditions like curse or madness have the same problems

Reported by: Phobos » Nov 22 2018, 13:49
Explorers, Navigators, and Sailors can't be hired.

Reported by: Xfing » Nov 25 2018, 17:44
The Fine Chain Mail (MM7) coordinates for the male paperdoll are wrong.

Reported by: Xfing » Dec 2 2018, 14:09
Playing now I've just noticed that in Erathia there are no longer any hirelings, everyone's just a plain female "Peasant" with no other special properties. Same goes for Tatalia too, haven't checked the other lands.
Hirelings when displayed in the Adventurer's Inn often have different names in their descriptions than they do in reality.
Merlin the MM6 unique staff says in the description that it gives extra 40 spell points, while in reality it gives +5 to Meditation.
Pls swap the stats of the Dwarven Battleaxe (MM8 tier 4) and the Steel Axe (MM7 tier 4)

Reported by: Flr » Dec 24 2018, 22:50
Upon entering Ravage Roaming the debug console pops up. I was able to just close it and it loaded, but one time the sky didnt load in and the when i sleep at the inn, it will sometimes crash the game. Not game breaking by any means. Only issue I've found so far though.

Reported by:  jester » Dec 27 2018, 13:46
After update, artifacts like Supreme plate and Puck causes debug console.

Reported by: Flr » Dec 28 2018, 23:34
 Stable in Avlee only seems to bring you to Deja once or twice a week and is unavailable the rest of the week.(should at least bring you to Turlerean Forest.)

Reported by: J. M. Sower » Dec 29 2018, 9:19
It looks like something in Merge mod is blocking "DoGameAction(85)" to use if mouse is over field of using Game action #133. It is action responsible for taking or wearing items on mouse click over paper doll window. In clear game both actions are turned on after click, so the loupe is working but also the bow/crossbow is taken from character (this item is taken not only if you will click on it, but also if you will click on almost entire background of paper doll window).

Reported by: panjaster » Dec 29 2018, 10:43
I found a bug in Blackshire - when I recive quest to place statues and open chest to get them, I have 4 statues and Lord Kilburn's Shield in there. this shield is also located in its right place, so basically you will get 2 Lord Kilburn's Shields and still will be missing one statue to place.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 18:39

Rodril wrote:I've changed ExtraArtifacts.lua, no idea why "Sleep" function causes other Action events to be handled. It is very good script, i think any kind of additional paperdoll paintings can be added in game this way, but i don't know why would you need to change position of loupe, could not you just keep it at same spot and let original button to change interface, while new button will just track it's state. Also you can directly change state of loupe by editing dword at 0x523040: "mem.u4[0x523040] = 1" will activate it, "mem.u4[0x523040] = 0" will deactivate, "mem.u4[0x523040] == 1" will tell state.
There was some problems... anyway, I will try again to left it in original position. Also commands that you gave can be useful.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 29 Dec 2018, 19:33

Yeah! Now there is original button, and "glow" icon showed in case of mouse over. No more problems with bows, and now new files for loupe button are not necessary... and "ExtraArtifacts.lua" not need any changes. :D
http://www.mediafire.com/file/tz7cphn32 ... 3.rar/file
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 29 Dec 2018, 19:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 29 Dec 2018, 19:35

Rodril wrote:Hello, patch link have been updated.
Now Smiths, Armorers, Alchemists, Sailors, Navigators, Horsemans and Explorers are available to be hired;
Sounds of mm6 monsters will be quiter/louder depending on distance to party, same as mm7/8 ones;
First levels of Breach's basement will be less swarmed with monsters, also fixed maze generation issue happened at levels below 6th.
Milky1988 wrote:Anyone at all?? I can't figure out the console at all...
Why do you need to change age of your characters? There's ingame way to do it - drink rejuvenation potions, age will be decreased (bonus age will go to negative values), though actual age will stay same. If there's reason to only do it via console, there's script:

Code: Select all

for i,v in Party do
	v.BirthYear = Game.Year - 18
J. M. Sower wrote:In Scripts/Globa/ExtraArtifacts.lua I have disabled this function in area of new button:
I've changed ExtraArtifacts.lua, no idea why "Sleep" function causes other Action events to be handled. It is very good script, i think any kind of additional paperdoll paintings can be added in game this way, but i don't know why would you need to change position of loupe, could not you just keep it at same spot and let original button to change interface, while new button will just track it's state. Also you can directly change state of loupe by editing dword at 0x523040: "mem.u4[0x523040] = 1" will activate it, "mem.u4[0x523040] = 0" will deactivate, "mem.u4[0x523040] == 1" will tell state.

These bugs have been fixed, thanks:

Code: Select all

Reported by Strobe: 
- Travel with Stable to Tularean Forest is a bit too rare (it seemed more often in vanilla game imo)

reported by: Yaknchuk » Oct 18 2018, 14:38
Enroth, Bounty hunts can spawn in New Sorpigal while party is at level 1 and checks the bounty hunting quest. This really sucks when it turns out to be a very high level creature and you no longer have access to town. Don’t ever recall checking the bounty and having it spawned in town when you leave the building, But I like the idea of the bounty spawning somewhere on the map you are in.

Reported by: Jamesx » Nov 13 2018, 22:53 and commented upon by the community
Right now i did a quest for cleric promotion, and those thieves in Smugglers cave seemed too strong. Somehow they learn the Rock blast spell, that kills half of may squad 21lvl in one shot  Maybe it should be like that, so.. just in case))))
Xfing: But yeah - thieves having master spells is overkill, not to mention not very lore-friendly :p
A good solution for scaling weaker monsters would just be raising their magic skill, rather than giving them the most powerful spells. A Fire Bolt scaled up to Fire Magic level 60 can be devastating as well, you know! Low-tier mages and non-mage characters shouldn't run around wielding master-level spells. Liches on the other hand could get Souldrinker on higher levels, if it's been even coded to work for monsters.
Found a bug with character conditions: when characters get cursed or something else, their portraits changes for a moment, but then returns to normal. don't know if this happen after last update or previous.
Kliff: Yeah, I'm checking a bit and when my party had Haste wear off, Weakness was applied for all of a couple milliseconds before, poof, everyone was fine again.
Xfing: for some reason since the latest patch the weak condition doesn't display on the portraits. I suspect this has something to do with Rodril working in the zombies, I might be wrong though.
Vetrinus: I noticed that too. When reviving a character from death they don't come back weak.
Jamesx: Not only weakness, other conditions like curse or madness have the same problems

Reported by: Phobos » Nov 22 2018, 13:49
Explorers, Navigators, and Sailors can't be hired.

Reported by: Xfing » Nov 25 2018, 17:44
The Fine Chain Mail (MM7) coordinates for the male paperdoll are wrong.

Reported by: Xfing » Dec 2 2018, 14:09
Playing now I've just noticed that in Erathia there are no longer any hirelings, everyone's just a plain female "Peasant" with no other special properties. Same goes for Tatalia too, haven't checked the other lands.
Hirelings when displayed in the Adventurer's Inn often have different names in their descriptions than they do in reality.
Merlin the MM6 unique staff says in the description that it gives extra 40 spell points, while in reality it gives +5 to Meditation.
Pls swap the stats of the Dwarven Battleaxe (MM8 tier 4) and the Steel Axe (MM7 tier 4)

Reported by: Flr » Dec 24 2018, 22:50
Upon entering Ravage Roaming the debug console pops up. I was able to just close it and it loaded, but one time the sky didnt load in and the when i sleep at the inn, it will sometimes crash the game. Not game breaking by any means. Only issue I've found so far though.

Reported by:  jester » Dec 27 2018, 13:46
After update, artifacts like Supreme plate and Puck causes debug console.

Reported by: Flr » Dec 28 2018, 23:34
 Stable in Avlee only seems to bring you to Deja once or twice a week and is unavailable the rest of the week.(should at least bring you to Turlerean Forest.)

Reported by: J. M. Sower » Dec 29 2018, 9:19
It looks like something in Merge mod is blocking "DoGameAction(85)" to use if mouse is over field of using Game action #133. It is action responsible for taking or wearing items on mouse click over paper doll window. In clear game both actions are turned on after click, so the loupe is working but also the bow/crossbow is taken from character (this item is taken not only if you will click on it, but also if you will click on almost entire background of paper doll window).

Reported by: panjaster » Dec 29 2018, 10:43
I found a bug in Blackshire - when I recive quest to place statues and open chest to get them, I have 4 statues and Lord Kilburn's Shield in there. this shield is also located in its right place, so basically you will get 2 Lord Kilburn's Shields and still will be missing one statue to place.
Reading these posts of yours really bring happiness to my nostalgic heart.

Also I've reported NPC lizardmen not being hirable, that was also fixed since I see an armorer up there in your post, is that correct? So I can cross that one from the list as well?

PS: Also panjaster might want a console command to spawn that last quest statue. I think. He didn't ask for it, but he probably doesn't know that once it is like that in the savegame,...
Last edited by Templayer on 29 Dec 2018, 19:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby kristal » 29 Dec 2018, 19:39

Templayer wrote: I can't draw if my life depended on it, but there were some people in this thread wanting to start painting for it and not knowing where to start. (Kristal is one that I remember...)
I don't know how to draw the right arm and maybe the quality will be like armor.
Templayer wrote: How hard it would be for you to repaint MM6 and MM7 interfaces to fit with MM8, so that we could have a choice in the merge of interface styles? :)
It would be great, but is it possible without repainting the faces of the characters?
J. M. Sower wrote: If you mean to make my blue interface as option to choose in Merge mod, I must say that at this time it is reserved for my own mod for MM8. ;) But I don't see any problem if after publication of my mod someone would implement my interface or other components (maybe even all world from my mod ;P ) to another modification with small notice, that it is taken from my project.
When the release of your mod? How many new monsters will be added, those that do for VCMI? I would add your mod in MM Merge.
And cool werewolf dolls. Like, NWC wanted to ММ6 to make werewolves, as heroes zombies in MM7.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Milky1988 » 29 Dec 2018, 20:39

I did it! Thanks so much for your help!

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 29 Dec 2018, 20:39

kristal wrote: When the release of your mod? How many new monsters will be added, those that do for VCMI? I would add your mod in MM Merge.
And cool werewolf dolls. Like, NWC wanted to ММ6 to make werewolves, as heroes zombies in MM7.
I recently played MM6 in Blackshire and when werewolves attack my characters, sometimes (semi-rarely) a quest - like effect would occur on the portrait (a green spurt that is used to indicate change).
I was recording it and mentioned it in the video that perhaps it is some part of some unfinished Werewolf disease effect script. Because they already cause disease and the Greater variation causes straight unconsciousness, then I wonder what the heck does the green spurt do.

Could somebody take a look in-engine wise what that is?

Also while we are at it - somebody could make a skeleton already. Just remove the glowing eyes of a lich and replace sounds of a lich character with sounds from MM and Heroes games' skeletons.
Then have it be a chance of 50:50 of being raised as skeleton or zombie when resurrecting at an evil aligned town or using Raise Dead from Dark magic.
Just because WE CAN.
Or a Vampire. Making Vampire variations for all paperdolls (except for Vampires themselves of course) could be fun and not that hard. Just desaturate and add fangs and glowy eyes. :D
Last edited by Templayer on 29 Dec 2018, 22:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 29 Dec 2018, 20:46

For a moment I was imagining like... a Minotaur Vampire, a Dark Elf Vampire, a Dwarven Vampire, a Troll Vampire and ... Dragon Vampire? Surely such a think doesn't exist, right?
Well, it does in the third edition of DnD.

Code: Select all

Vampiric dragon
Undead, Undead (3e), Creatures of chaotic evil alignment, and 3 more

3rd Edition Statistics[1]
Type 	Undead
Alignment 	Always chaotic evil
Challenge Rating 	+2

A vampiric dragon was a type of undead dragon with vampirism.

It was created when another vampiric dragon fully drained the life energy from a living dragon. They desired only evil and death, and were fond of spreading tales of their treasure to lure unwitting adventurers to feed upon. Vampiric dragons were also capable of creating vampire spawn from the victims of their blood drain or energy Drain abilities. if the victim was an adult dragon, it rose as another vampiric dragon within a matter of days, while younger dragons instead rose as mindless zombie dragons.

Vampiric dragons shared many traits with non-draconic vampires: they sustained themselves by feeding on the blood of living creatures, they cast neither shadows nor reflections, and they could turn themselves to mist. While normal vampires were anchored to their coffins, a vampiric dragon was anchored to its hoard.

Like other vampires, vampiric dragons had a weakness to sunlight. Unlike ordinary vampires, however, vampiric dragons could survive exposure to direct sunlight for a time; they were instead weakened and slowed, though if they did not quickly find shelter they would be destroyed. Vampiric dragons could also be destroyed by a stake through the heart, though their immense size required a very big stake.

Unlike other vampires, vampiric dragons suffered no ill effects from crossing or being immersed in running water, nor were they repelled by garlic or mirrors. Though they still could not enter a home without an invitation, there was nothing stopping them from simply destroying the home and picking through the ruins for treasure or prey.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby kristal » 29 Dec 2018, 22:53

Templayer wrote: I recently played MM6 in Blackshire and when werewolves attack my characters, sometimes (semi-rarely) a quest - like effect would occur on the portrait (a green spurt that is used to indicate change).
I was recording it and mentioned it in the video that perhaps it is some part of some unfinished Werewolf disease effect script. Because they already cause disease and the Greater variation causes straight unconsciousness, then I wonder what the heck does the green spurt do.

Could somebody take a look in-engine wise what that is?
Here is the text from site: http://mm6world.ru/different.htm. Unrealized ideas:

Wolf's lair.
If you go down to the torture chamber, located in the location, you could run here on such message:
The Werewolves butchered us. Will you avenge us - so our souls may rest in peace?
There's also an equally interesting post that I don't have any guesses about:
After 7 days.
The game files have a very unusual note:
"16 D17, given when party is turned into Werewolves"
However, nothing like the game was not. Not even avatars of the heroes in the form of werewolves.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Xfing » 30 Dec 2018, 01:43

There are 15 types of gloves, which need to all be repainted for all the paperdoll types and hand configurations, of which there are 4 in MM8, if I'm not mistaken (wielding a weapon in the right hand, not wielding a weapon in the right hand, same goes for left hand). Multiply that by the 4 paperdoll types: Male humanoid, female humanoid, dwarf/troll. minotaur. You end up with 4x4x15 = 240 different graphics to be created. And I might be missing something here.

So yeah, probably hiring someone would be the only viable way of guaranteeing that this can be done. I think the existing armor and apparel should take priority, though - since we're pretty much dead-set on getting all that stuff done eventually, maybe we could have a whip-round for that purpose and hire a professional artist? Not sure what kind of money we're talking here, but $1000 would probably be sufficient? I believe the community shouldn't have much trouble raising that amount.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Mortis » 30 Dec 2018, 08:49

Templayer wrote:
kristal wrote: When the release of your mod? How many new monsters will be added, those that do for VCMI? I would add your mod in MM Merge.
And cool werewolf dolls. Like, NWC wanted to ММ6 to make werewolves, as heroes zombies in MM7.
I recently played MM6 in Blackshire and when werewolves attack my characters, sometimes (semi-rarely) a quest - like effect would occur on the portrait (a green spurt that is used to indicate change).
I was recording it and mentioned it in the video that perhaps it is some part of some unfinished Werewolf disease effect script. Because they already cause disease and the Greater variation causes straight unconsciousness, then I wonder what the heck does the green spurt do.

Could somebody take a look in-engine wise what that is?

Also while we are at it - somebody could make a skeleton already. Just remove the glowing eyes of a lich and replace sounds of a lich character with sounds from MM and Heroes games' skeletons.
Then have it be a chance of 50:50 of being raised as skeleton or zombie when resurrecting at an evil aligned town or using Raise Dead from Dark magic.
Just because WE CAN.
Or a Vampire. Making Vampire variations for all paperdolls (except for Vampires themselves of course) could be fun and not that hard. Just desaturate and add fangs and glowy eyes. :D
Making something only to make it, because we can? I dont buy it, because right now the only difference between your skeleton and human for example is paperdoll. Skeleton or zombie with it's own speciall skill like vampires or dragon skills- that would be nice and worth of working.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 30 Dec 2018, 09:48

Xfing wrote:There are 15 types of gloves, which need to all be repainted for all the paperdoll types and hand configurations, of which there are 4 in MM8, if I'm not mistaken (wielding a weapon in the right hand, not wielding a weapon in the right hand, same goes for left hand). Multiply that by the 4 paperdoll types: Male humanoid, female humanoid, dwarf/troll. minotaur. You end up with 4x4x15 = 240 different graphics to be created. And I might be missing something here.

So yeah, probably hiring someone would be the only viable way of guaranteeing that this can be done. I think the existing armor and apparel should take priority, though - since we're pretty much dead-set on getting all that stuff done eventually, maybe we could have a whip-round for that purpose and hire a professional artist? Not sure what kind of money we're talking here, but $1000 would probably be sufficient? I believe the community shouldn't have much trouble raising that amount.
Actually you forgot about artefact gloves / gauntlets, bringing those to 18. And also one glove type, and that is when a two handed weapon is equipped (if that happens, the left hand is modified as well to indicate that nothing can be equopped in that hand)

So it would be 5x4x18, but since dwarves do not use troll hands, it might as well be 5x5x18...
Mortis wrote: Making something only to make it, because we can? I dont buy it, because right now the only difference between your skeleton and human for example is paperdoll. Skeleton or zombie with it's own speciall skill like vampires or dragon skills- that would be nice and worth of working.
You mean like my suggestion of the Undead Abilities on the Suggestions tracker? Having various undead abilities from the series, like the ability to age an enemy?
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby GrayFace » 30 Dec 2018, 10:17

Templayer wrote:
panjaster wrote: Also suggestion - there are archers placed in tower near stables in Blackshire as guards probably, but it could be nice if they stopped shooting at me all the time :tired:
That suggestion is actually a bug. Added both to the Bug Tracker.
Same thing in White Cap AFAIR.
Last edited by GrayFace on 30 Dec 2018, 10:19, edited 1 time in total.
My patches: MM6 MM7 MM8. MMExtension. Tools. Also, I love Knytt Stories and Knytt Underground. I'm also known as sergroj.

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J. M. Sower
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 30 Dec 2018, 10:40

Hmm... about gloves, maybe only we need is a big piece of time and patient work. ;)

And about my modification, it is very long way to the end, but I will share starting map when it will be finished. In fact it will be a new MM game, not expansion, that means with new world (Karigor), plot, monsters etc. Of course it will be based on MM8/MM7 sources.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby justl » 30 Dec 2018, 10:47

J. M. Sower wrote:
Templayer wrote:
J. M. Sower wrote: Thats sounds doable! ;)
Read my edit. :D
Hmm... I was mainly focused only on MM8 so there would be much smaller number. For Merge... hmm... maybe the idea to hire an artist isn't very bad. ;P We have a big fandom, so maybe we will colect needed funds.
or you put that point on the long bench to do, when you/someone else has time for it ... piece by piece.

we should rodril/anyone who is also able take care of older bugs first, before bringing on new things every week.
remember its a "fun" (sorry for the lack of a better word) project, not some professional payed work from a game studio
V2: Compendium of mm6-8 Secrets + Details about the base merge and DaveHer's redone merge (its in english!)
https://www.mightandmagicworld.de/fileb ... index.html

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 30 Dec 2018, 13:30

justl wrote:
J. M. Sower wrote:
Templayer wrote: Read my edit. :D
Hmm... I was mainly focused only on MM8 so there would be much smaller number. For Merge... hmm... maybe the idea to hire an artist isn't very bad. ;P We have a big fandom, so maybe we will colect needed funds.
or you put that point on the long bench to do, when you/someone else has time for it ... piece by piece.

we should rodril/anyone who is also able take care of older bugs first, before bringing on new things every week.
remember its a "fun" (sorry for the lack of a better word) project, not some professional payed work from a game studio
Also by putting painting stuff for an Ubisoft owned game on Kickstarter we are risking catching the eye of Ubisoft's lawyers.
I know it sounds like bullshit. And it is bullshit. But that is how crappy people make money...
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 30 Dec 2018, 13:32

J. M. Sower wrote:Hmm... about gloves, maybe only we need is a big piece of time and patient work. ;)

And about my modification, it is very long way to the end, but I will share starting map when it will be finished. In fact it will be a new MM game, not expansion, that means with new world (Karigor), plot, monsters etc. Of course it will be based on MM8/MM7 sources.
Could you give me a link for that Karigor project? Something in english, and on a website. I have heard once of such a project with Genies or something in it, but that was a long time ago and I am very interested in reading about it.
GrayFace wrote:
Templayer wrote:
panjaster wrote: Also suggestion - there are archers placed in tower near stables in Blackshire as guards probably, but it could be nice if they stopped shooting at me all the time :tired:
That suggestion is actually a bug. Added both to the Bug Tracker.
Same thing in White Cap AFAIR.
Crap. De Ja Vu. This was here before (with the White Cap!) on this thread. Well, added as an addendum in the Bug Tracker. Argh.
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby Templayer » 30 Dec 2018, 13:41


I think I know Polish now from reading that forum. I was browsing it for pictures (the thread about the MM8 Rebirth - https://www.forum.acidcave.net/topic.ph ... 969&page=9)

"Czyli świat gry obejmuje Vori i Karigor, czyż nie?"

Probably means: "So the game world has Vori and Karigor, is that correct?"

BO YAH! I may suck at MATH, but at least I'm decent with LANGUAGES! :D :D
Last edited by Templayer on 30 Dec 2018, 13:41, edited 1 time in total.
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J. M. Sower
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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby J. M. Sower » 30 Dec 2018, 14:54

Templayer wrote:@Sower

I think I know Polish now from reading that forum. I was browsing it for pictures (the thread about the MM8 Rebirth - https://www.forum.acidcave.net/topic.ph ... 969&page=9)

"Czyli świat gry obejmuje Vori i Karigor, czyż nie?"

Probably means: "So the game world has Vori and Karigor, is that correct?"

BO YAH! I may suck at MATH, but at least I'm decent with LANGUAGES! :D :D
Hahah, yep, that's the right meaning!

At this time that topic on polish forum is the only place where I presented my mod... also here is one video:
Uh... I must to finally make a topic about that on this site ;P

Edti: Here it is!
Last edited by J. M. Sower on 30 Dec 2018, 15:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Might and Magic 6, 7, 8 merge based on mm8 engine.

Unread postby GrayFace » 30 Dec 2018, 19:29

J. M. Sower wrote:Hmm... about gloves, maybe only we need is a big piece of time and patient work. ;)
The goal is just to show gloves on paper doll, right? I think that would be way too much work for such a small gimmick.
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