Unread postby veselykralicek » 17 Jan 2023, 19:45
Hello friends,
Thank you very much for your great job with Merge Mod.
But I have very big request to you (sorry for my bad English). Maybe I am the only one player in the world, but the main benefit of Merge Mod was for me a totaly full journal. In Merge Mod I expected all the awards, bonuses, obelisks, wells and fountains, just everything in one big encyclopedy. And full list of Awards completed from all three games (MM6, MM7 and MM8). But after completing first three maps from MM8 (Dagger Islands, Ravenshore and Alvar) and Emerald Island from MM7 and completing absolutely all the quests in these regions, I have only 3 completing quests in Awards (Finding missing persons on Emerald Island, Stopping Yellow Fever and Finding Rothnax), 5 Arcomage Wins and Collecting 4.500 in Bounties.
There are some completing quests in Journal - Miscellaneous (Finding Power Stone for Frederick Talimere, Killing all the Ogres in Alvar and Arcomage Wins in concrete pubs, Guild memberships)
But most of the completing quests is not recorded at all. The Seer advices from MM8 are not recorded in Journal too, unfortunately.
So, could you fix it, as it was in originally game, please? I want to have all the completed quests in my Awards screen, it's the main reason to play Merge Mod for me. I like to look at full list of my awards, my completed quests. I know - Winning Arcomage in concrete pubs or Guild Memberships are OK in Journal - Miscellaneous, I think, it is good idea from you. Because it's not so important for conrete Arcomage Wins or Guild Memberships to be in Awards, but all completed main and side quests definitely yes. As it was in originally MM8.
So, could you fix Awards screen for completed quests, please?