cthscr wrote: ↑19 Aug 2024, 08:40
toadking wrote: ↑02 Aug 2024, 09:18
Sorry for bothering you multiple times, can you help confirm if this rule is correct?
In my games with the last master branch patch, whether it's the Troll Master Monk or the Minotaur Master Monk, their SP is always 5, no matter how many levels they level up. For example, a level 10 Troll Master Monk and a level 60 Troll Master Monk both have the same SP of 5.
Thank you very much.
Troll has +2 HP/lvl and -2 SP/lvl. Mino has +1.5 HP/lvl and -1.5 SP/lvl. See
https://gitlab.com/cthscr/mmmerge/-/wikis/Revamp/HP-SP and Data/Tables/RaceHPSP.txt.
I have tested it multiple times, and it is an issue with my save. I did not find this problem when I tried playing the game from the beginning again,thank you. Now I encounter another one about "Repair Stone Temple" in Free Haven, step for reproduce as below:
1. Taking a "Stone Cutter" and a "Carpenter", now the Quest of "Rebuild Temple Stone" is nil.
2. Clicking the door of Stone Temple, show "The stone cutter and the carpenter begin rebuilding the temple.", close the message window, re-click the door, the menu of stone temple works now.
However, this does not affect the party from taking on the Quest of "Rebuild Temple Stone" and completing it.
PS.I tried it and this code can solve the problem:
replace the code replace the function "evt.map[19] = function()" in outc2.lua:
Code: Select all
evt.map[19] = function()
if Party.QBits[1131] then
if evt.ForPlayer("All").Cmp{"Inventory", 2054} then
evt.ForPlayer("All").Subtract{"Inventory", 2054}
evt.Subtract{"QBits", 1212}
evt.Set{"QBits", 1132}
elseif Party.QBits[1130] then
if Party.QBits[1129] then
elseif Party.QBits[1129] and (not Party.QBits[1130]) then
local Carpenter, Stonecutter = NPCFollowers.HaveProfession(63), NPCFollowers.HaveProfession(64)
if Carpenter and Stonecutter then
evt.Set{"QBits", 1130}
MF.NPCDismiss(Carpenter, true)
MF.NPCDismiss(Stonecutter, true)