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Academy Hero Abilities
Academy Hero Abilities
Peace. Love. Penguin.
Academy Hero Abilities
Are you sure Academy Award grants you 1000 gold? It would seem to match Student Award, which gives 1000 xp.
Peace. Love. Penguin.
Academy Hero Abilities
Haha, remote control! That would be a hilarious sight, the enemy hero would wonder why his own ballista goes bananas against his own troops, does this work for the cannoneer too? If so the siege will be a difficult one lol =D
It reminds me of berserk for enemy troops.
Edited on Tue, Feb 28 2006, 08:55 by Orfinn
It reminds me of berserk for enemy troops.
Edited on Tue, Feb 28 2006, 08:55 by Orfinn
Academy Hero Abilities
Someone transferred ''soldiers luck,into''Lucky strike(which is also the name of a cigar company WTF.
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