MM8comXpProSP2.sdb --- anyone has?

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Joined: 28 Aug 2008

MM8comXpProSP2.sdb --- anyone has?

Unread postby BarfoSternblat » 28 Aug 2008, 08:15

I don't suppose anyone around has an active link to the file MM8comXpProSP2.sdb

I would greatly like to play MM8 but can't get it goin w/out it. I've searched the entire internet (well...maybe not ENTIRE) and have yet to find an active link and am itching for some hardcore oldschool RPG. All support would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: MM8comXpProSP2.sdb --- anyone has?

Unread postby Necromaxer » 11 Sep 2008, 23:22

BarfoSternblat wrote:I don't suppose anyone around has an active link to the file MM8comXpProSP2.sdb

I would greatly like to play MM8 but can't get it goin w/out it. I've searched the entire internet (well...maybe not ENTIRE) and have yet to find an active link and am itching for some hardcore oldschool RPG. All support would be greatly appreciated.
I have one, if you still need it. Send me e-mail to or

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