TOE - help with complex messages

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TOE - help with complex messages

Unread postby mweil86 » 23 Jul 2008, 19:32

When I create a complex message the variable does not appear in the message. I followed the scripting guide using a command such as:

MessageBox( { "message.txt"; variable=5 } );

where message.txt looks like: The number is <variable>.

but all that appears is: The number is .

What am I doing wrong?


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Unread postby Asheera » 23 Jul 2008, 19:33

You should write: <value=variable> ;)
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Unread postby Franzy » 24 Jul 2008, 11:49

Also remember to use a path with message.txt:)

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Unread postby rdeford » 02 Aug 2008, 01:49

Read the Scripting Guide again. You are not following it.

[Edit-- added material]

For your reference, the Scripting Guide says this:
To display a variable within displayed text:

1. In the resource text file use <value=variablename> at places where the variable should be displayed.

<value=name> has pillaged <value=goldamount> gold from local villages.

2. In the script, the MessageBox() command for the above example would look like:

MessageBox( { "path/to/textfile"; variablename = value}, "optional_callback_function" );

MessageBox( { "Maps/SingleMissions/MyMap/Pillage.txt "; name = "Jonny Blackeye", goldamount = 526 });

Notice that commas separate the elements in the variable list inside the {}.

3. In the game the message displayed to the player it would look like:

“Jonny Blackeye has pillaged 526 gold from local villages.”
As mentioned by the other posters, you must use the value=varName format inside the message text. You must use the complete map data path to the message text file inside the MessageBox calling function.

Also, notice that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the varNames in the text file and the variable names in the MessageBox calling function. Also, notice the use of {}. the semicolon, and the commas in the MessageBox calling function. This usage must be followed.
rdeford, Mage Of Soquim

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