Max number of artefact in MM7 / Promotion to archmage

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Max number of artefact in MM7 / Promotion to archmage

Unread postby targan » 11 May 2008, 15:58

Since a few month (in game time), monsters like blood titan & red dragon don't drop artefact. I have find many of them in early/mid part of the game but now i'm near the end & i find only standart items (i have reloaded hundred of time after searching in bodies, no mean!).
Have you an explanation?

I have a second question: I have installed the MM7rev4mod and i can't obtain from thomas grey the quest for becoming archmage. Nevertheless, i already have completed most of promotion quests (spy, priest of light,etc). Who gives this quest?

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Unread postby bungleau » 12 May 2008, 12:35

There is a limit to the number of random artifacts you can have... I believe it's 13. If you found a lot early on, you may be done.

As for the promotions, are you getting a message about the Festival of Five Moons? The wizard promo (and all the others *except* the Priest and Spy) are not available until the Festival is over...

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Unread postby targan » 13 May 2008, 07:59

Thanks for your reply. I have completed the "courrier quest" thus it is not connected to the festival of 5 moons.
About artefacts, maybe if i sell my currents, I shall find others ?

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Unread postby Avonu » 13 May 2008, 14:12

IIRC then no - you can find only 13*, no matter if you sell or not you current artifacts.

*There are two chest which always have an artifact - so if you already found 13 artifacts then you can also find additional two in these chests (not sure if it 100% work like I discribed).

Check Hidden Treasure topic for more details about artifacts locations and not only for them.

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Unread postby targan » 15 May 2008, 14:49

Thanks for the tip; i just find the "hands of master" in zod colony !

Concerning the promotion quest, is it thomas grey who gives this quest to become archmage? Maybe the JBD mod has changed this point.

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 16 May 2008, 06:36

Archmage quest giver is the same ( Thomas Grey) but quest itself will be different.

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Unread postby Stormz30000 » 22 May 2008, 18:26

I have had the same Archmage problem and posted in the mod's thread. What probably happened is that when you compleated the wizard quest, you clicked on the 'Archmage' option. The new quest you must complete immediatly via a teleport in the bracada desert, or you 'fail' it. There will be a second opitunity to get a neccesary item affter you help all the Celeste advisors, but it will still be useless as you cant hand it to Grey. The only way to be an archmage is to use an editor.

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