HOMM V Warlock Campaign Mission 2 Puzzle Map does not Work

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HOMM V Warlock Campaign Mission 2 Puzzle Map does not Work

Unread postby gcraighammond » 05 May 2008, 03:28

I've purchased TotE and am using a fix to play the campaigns from the original HOMM V and HoF (found, I believe, in this thread viewtopic.php?t=7452&highlight=tribes+e ... paigns+hof )

I am in the HOMM V Warlock campaign, the second mission (The Expansion) When my hero touches an obelisk, the puzzle map comes up, but none of it is exposed. It's just the picture that it starts with. I have touched 2 obelisks at this time. Touching them again just gives the message 'already visited'.

So in order to continue with future HOMM V campaign missions, I need to either find the Tear of Asha some other way, or fool the program into believing I have found and installed it in my city.

Can you suggest any ways of doing this?

I'm not super computer savvy, so if it's a programming trick, or something needs to be done outside the game, please walk me through it step by step.

Thanks much!

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Unread postby Akul » 05 May 2008, 06:54


I think the red X's show the possible locations of the Grail. Try digging near those spots.
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Unread postby Ed Robinson » 06 May 2008, 00:04

Did you try to open the puzzle map from the menu to see if the map transferred there?

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Unread postby gcraighammond » 08 May 2008, 01:53

Thanks for the suggestions. However neither worked.

I dug up every available spot around the two red Xs, and did not find the Tear. And accessing the puzzle map from the menu did not show anything but the original picture.

Any way to go into the game files to allow me to see the position of the Tear? Or to allow me to "give" the Tear to a hero or a city?

As I cannot continue to play the campaign without it, any suggestions are appreciated!

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Unread postby nestor79bgd » 15 May 2008, 10:28

I've finished campaign recently and I remember I had the same problem! It may seem at first that nothing (I was worried too) is showing but that is just because tear is underground and everything is black around it. I checked later on the objectives menu (click on puzzle map there) and the spot showed!! I hope you will have more luck! :)

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Unread postby Mirez » 15 May 2008, 16:17

my grail was found on the southwest, (there was also a howl of terror necro heroew o_0) try digging there

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Unread postby konfeta » 15 May 2008, 16:35

You could try to get a hero with Tears of Asha vision perk, and have it visit all the 4 common places in which the walkthrough points out the grail can be.

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Unread postby gcraighammond » 15 May 2008, 22:08

I was able to circumvent the problem by using the cheat codes I found at
http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/he ... eats.shtml
to "instant win" the scenario. This opened up the next campaign scenario to me.

Thanks for all the input!

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