A very belated retirement post

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A very belated retirement post

Unread postby Psychobabble » 07 Apr 2008, 01:22

I originally wrote this mid last year and intended to post it on the front page after discussing it with Angelspit. But i decided to postpone it because I got the HoF expansion so I thought I'd give the game another shot and also have a stab at reviewing some of the custom maps. Unfortunately both that expansion and the custom maps I could find disappointed me and I never got around to officially posting this. Anyway, given that it's over 6 months late, it's not worth a front page entry but I thought I'd post this here anyway:
I think it's finally time for me to officially retire from my position on the Celestial Heavens' staff. I've been involved with the community, on and off, for close to five years now. I began my official involvement with the site in August 2002 when I turned my "custom map reviews (long, updated)" forum thread into CH's map review section and I was promoted to 'editor' by Angelspit a couple of months later. I continued to review H4 maps on and off for the next three and a half years, writing over 50,000 words and countless spelling errors in 126 full reviews. For personal reference more than anything, here's what else I've done on the site over the years:

* Judged a map contest in 2002, in which I played and reviewed all of the ~30 custom maps hosted on the site. Prizes were awarded to the best maps in three different categories (overall, multi and single player).

* Created four Heroes IV maps, three of which are on this site and one of which is on the Winds of War expansion CD (NWC ran a map making contest to generate a bit of extra content for the expansion). One of my maps, My Brother's Keeper, received the 'judges choice' award in a MapHaven themed map-making contest.

* Organised and co-judged a themed Heroes IV map-making contest 'An American Tale', in 2005 which attracted three entries.

* Put together a summary page of what I thought were the best Heroes IV maps that I had played. This is one of my favourite contributions, in my opinion it's a great resource for anyone looking to find a fun Heroes IV maps of any type.

* Reviewed the Heroes IV Tile and Card game.

* Participated in the Heroes V beta test.

* Wrote walkthroughs for the Academy and some of the Sylvan Heroes V campaigns.

* Organised and co-judged a Heroes V map-making contest, 'A Little Challenge', which attracted 11 entries. I also wrote full reviews for each of these maps, which were the only Heroes V maps I reviewed.</ul]

I also recently started running a new season of the Round Table Battles, but issues with the score system, declining participation and my current minimal internet access meant I couldn't execute it as well as I hoped (sorry).

I'll finish off with some quick shout outs. First huge thanks and massive props Angelspit, who has maintained an exceptional level of devotion to this site for going on 8 years now. He manages his volunteers exceptionally well, maintains an excellent balance between respecting the game developers and standing up for the community when necessary and has ensured that Celestial Heavens is truly the premiere Might and Magic fan site.

Finally, shout outs to Wimfrits, Kalah, Karryl, Robenhagen, Pepak, Charles Watkins/Caradoc, Ethric, Veldrynus, Corribus, ScarlettP, Ghostwriter, Lord Evenshade, Grumpy old wizard, Pitsu, Laelth, Tar, HodgePodge, Ururam Tururam, Sarvi, Blue Camel and all the others with whom I've had rewarding dealings with in some way over the years, whether it be on the Round Table Forums, in discussions of the merits of various maps or from playing their map creations. Thanks to these people, and many others, I've had a lot of fun in being involved with the community. I hope it continues to thrive and provide others with as much enjoyment as it's given me over the years!

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Unread postby winterfate » 07 Apr 2008, 01:28

@Psychobabble: :S

Well, I know we didn't talk much, but you will be sorely missed. :)

Take care and don't be a stranger! :wave:
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Unread postby jeff » 07 Apr 2008, 02:04

Psychobabble I knew you were retiring as AS mentioned it a while back, I'm sorry to see you go, well maybe you'll still be drop in. What's it been over a year now since you, Wimfrits and I judged that mapmaking contest. That's the last I'd seen you around. Anyway peace man. :angel:
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Unread postby Corribus » 07 Apr 2008, 02:28

Does that also mean you're leaving CH as a poster as well?? :(
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Unread postby Psychobabble » 07 Apr 2008, 02:33

Corribus wrote:Does that also mean you're leaving CH as a poster as well?? :(
yeah, i pretty much haven't been active in about a year, so i don't expect that to change. i might drop by and lurk every now and again but not much more than that.

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Unread postby HodgePodge » 07 Apr 2008, 02:36

Please don't go away forever just because Heroes V was such a big disappointment. Image Even if real life gets hectic, you can still find a few minutes to stop by and say hello. We'll miss your insightful reviews; and your "Map Picks" are great. Please, do stop by from time to time.
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Unread postby Corelanis » 07 Apr 2008, 02:45

Good luck and have fun you will be missed.
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Unread postby Kareeah Indaga » 07 Apr 2008, 03:17


Please at least stop by every now and then. : (

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Unread postby asandir » 07 Apr 2008, 05:26

shame to have it all finalised, sealed and delivered
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Unread postby Elvin » 07 Apr 2008, 08:55

I too did not know you much but you have contributed a lot and will be missed. Good luck :)
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Unread postby Muszka » 07 Apr 2008, 12:49

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Good-bye not good.
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Unread postby Kalah » 07 Apr 2008, 16:14

Seeya 'round, PB! :-D
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Unread postby Robenhagen » 07 Apr 2008, 16:34

Best of luck to you in the future and thanks for all the nice teamwork along the way. Take care :wave:
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Unread postby Ethric » 07 Apr 2008, 16:46

So long, and thanks for all the fi.. hard work :)
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Unread postby Metathron » 07 Apr 2008, 17:30

Ethric wrote:So long, and thanks for all the fi.. hard work :)
Hey, I was gonna say that! Fine, the next time someone leaves, I got dibs on it, y'hear?

Good luck, Psycho (there's a sentence I never thought I'd say), and thanks for all the great HoMM IV map reviews.
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Unread postby Zamolxis » 07 Apr 2008, 18:56

Pity I didn't interact much with Psychobabble in the past. We seem to have similar tastes in Heroes. ;|

For the rest, I understand him pretty well. The hectic life combined with the H5 disappointment drove me out of the community as well 2 years ago.

(The reason I still pass by Campfire every now and then is only because some ppl started "stalking" me last year to return. And of course I only came back to CH: my first & only true love). ;)
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Unread postby Angelspit » 07 Apr 2008, 19:57

I'm sad to see you go, but still very proud of what we accomplished as a team. What can I say but thank you, and good luck!

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 07 Apr 2008, 21:50

Good luck at whatever you choose to do. Addios!

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Unread postby Veldrynus » 07 Apr 2008, 21:54

Seeya, PB! Thanks for those nice reviews and everything! :)
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Unread postby wimfrits » 08 Apr 2008, 17:39

See you around PB!

Your many efforts will not be easily forgotten. And it has been a genuine pleasure dealing with you. :-D
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