Making an Underground

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Making an Underground

Unread postby finkellll » 03 Apr 2008, 15:21

Hey all, hopefully my question is pretty simple: (I'm playing original btw)

When I go to make an underground, It is pitch black, when I place objects in it, its very hard to see them. Is this normal, or can I get some light down there?

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Unread postby RobB » 07 Apr 2008, 00:31

Not sure what you mean by "original". With my H4 editor, the underground always comes up as "dry grass". Perhaps in other versions it comes up as "cave", so you could try erasing cave.

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Unread postby rdeford » 12 Apr 2008, 13:28

@ finkellll

Assuming you are using the H5 editor -- go into the View, Map Properties, General Properties tab. Select a value for the Ambient Light for Underground field that will give you light. For example, use Haven Light (grass). You will be able to see the objects you place easily.

When you are done creating your underground, switch the Ambient Light for Underground value to a value appropriate to a cave. For example, use Dungeon Light. Then place your light sources so the map players will be able to see things when they explore. (Of course, you could leave it lighted with Haven Light if you wish to have that effect.)
rdeford, Mage Of Soquim

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Unread postby omeggidon2 » 30 Jun 2008, 06:37

There use to be walls within the Editor? What happened to these things and how do you create cave walls...I'm running HOF updated

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Unread postby Franzy » 30 Jun 2008, 06:58

It's also a good idea to read manual. To make caverns you should (only) use brush 3x3 (other will not work at all) and the instrument LOWER.

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Unread postby omeggidon2 » 30 Jun 2008, 07:02

Franzy wrote:It's also a good idea to read manual. To make caverns you should (only) use brush 3x3 (other will not work at all) and the instrument LOWER.
lol...thats a lot of reading..I got bored after the farm

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Unread postby rdeford » 30 Jun 2008, 10:58

@omeggidon2 -- unfortunately, you will likely not get very far in learning the H5 editor without doing some reading. However, this editor is very rewarding to work with once you get past the learning cure.

Please, continue to ask questions in the forum. We'll do our best to answer them, though there might be a little impatience in the reply if the questions are easy to answer on your own. Forgive and forget. OK?
rdeford, Mage Of Soquim

“Forgiving and being forgiven, loving and being loved,
living and letting live, is the simple basis for it all."

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