3 points is awarded if you answer a question correctly, but there is a potential to get more than that by answering in a funny and/or original manner. I will judge your answer, and award it with anything up to 5 points for originality. Therefore, not knowing the right answer doesn't preclude you from participating in a question round. How will this work? Here's an example:
I ask the question: "Why did the moose cross the road?"
Correct answer: "To get to the other side."
Original answer: "Because it's a moose form of bungee jumping."
The "correct" answer is known to anybody who's heard the chicken joke before, but if you haven't, you can instead go for originality. Going for originality and a potential 5 points despite knowing the correct answer isn't always a good idea; if your answer is long-winded or I find it unfunny, I might award less than 5 points... I might even give you minus points. This is all up to me, of course, since I am the Game Master Nazi Overlord King.