Goblin Trapper vs Goblin Witch-Doctor - 50:50. I like both equally. The docs are more on the offensive side and the trappers on the defensive.
Centaur Nomad vs Centaur Marauder - 55: 45. I somewhat prefer the nomads due to a slightly greater damage output and 2 more shots.
Mauler vs Warmonger - 85:15. Assault is just a very limited form of double strike, but it triggers a fair amount of times. In any case, I much prefer an offensive unit in my barbarian's ranks rather than a defensive one.
Sky daughter vs Earth Daughter - 30:70. I'm not that smitten with chain lightning. The Earth Daughter is more offensive, travels a little faster and will attack without fear of retaliation after casting slow on its enemies.
Executioner vs Chieftain - 90:10. Executioner all the way, no contest. Like Assault, Cleave is also a somewhat watered down version of Double Strike, but unlike Assault, Cleave is much better and will trigger in 99% of cases due to the Executioners' good damage output.
Foul Wyvern vs Paokai - 50:50. Not really partial to either of these units. They're not a priority when building either.
Untamed Cyclops vs Bloodeyed Cyclops - 55:45. Will choose the untamed fellow a bit more, due to better damage. Also, is it just me or does the Bloodeyed Cyclops have the 2-hex attack of the HoMM II cyclops? If it does, why is it not in its description?