homm v patch 1.6

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homm v patch 1.6

Unread postby rahmen » 20 Nov 2007, 12:33


i have 2 questions regarding the above mentioned patch and here goes:

1. does the skill wheel work the same way in homm v as it does in tote?

2. if not, does it work in another way or just the old way as in patch 1.5 and lower?

any help will be greatly appreciated,


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Unread postby Muszka » 20 Nov 2007, 18:56

No. There are three main skillwheels. One for H5, no matter the patch, one for HoF, and one for TotE. If I'm correct, then you can download any and all of them from Celestial Heavens' skillwheel section.
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