The Price of Peace → To Slay an Immortal

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The Price of Peace → To Slay an Immortal

Unread postby Conrad4463 » 12 Nov 2007, 16:52

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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The Price of Peace → To Slay an Immortal

Unread postby Conrad4463 » 12 Nov 2007, 16:52

" But the two groups will never meet up with each other ", I have the seven heroes from above downunder now :o))), ( dont now what i can do with them do/ havent defeated the above armys :o((( )

Only i dont now how to paste the screen capture i take from it ;O(((

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The Price of Peace → To Slay an Immortal

Unread postby Pacifist » 02 Mar 2011, 10:35

With town portal spell you can send any hero above or underground. You need only 3 units to block entrance of underground town. Of course if you already captured some underground towns it's more complicated and needs some testing of positionning the town portal party to be closer to surface town than other underground. But you can block 2 underground towns so it's always possible if you didn't capture more than 1 town underground.

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Wheeler Dealer
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The Price of Peace → To Slay an Immortal

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 05 Feb 2014, 01:44

It's easy to get Emilia and Kodge to Solymyr's portion of the map, Once access to the sword is achieved they will have access to the underground and can go hit the tree and come back to their side of the underground and town gate over to pick up one more level and maybe some spells and skills before the finish (anyone can retrieve the sword).

Getting Solymr above ground is a different matter. I can do it when I have only one underground town. Block the entrance with troops and have Solymr cast Town Gate. At the end when I owned all the towns I couldn't do it. Even If I had the nearest underground town blocked and the nearest town was on the surface Town Gate would take me to the nearest town on my level.

If I were to replay knowing this I would have Solymr Town Gate up when he only owned one underground city. I would join him with Emilia and Kodge and finish he surface and then town gate below to finish the underground. It might be necessary to block the surface town with heroes and send Tharj below to defend the underground city but I doubt it. Just the Creatures should discourage Red enough.

Doing it this way Solymr should get one or two extra levels and several stat boosts.

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Wheeler Dealer
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Re: The Price of Peace → To Slay an Immortal

Unread postby Wheeler Dealer » 23 Jan 2020, 01:53

Here I am 6 years later trying the strategy I suggested. Worked great. Once Solymyr had the underground town secure and built up I blocked the entrance to my underground town and used Town Gate to get him to the surface. I put him with Emilia and Kodge and let them do all the heavy lifting. This army had 10 genies divided up 4,2,2,2. Most battles the genies all started with Slow and then used Create Illusion as needed to provide decoys to lure away the most dangerous remaining stacks. I did have Solymyr bring along enough miscellaneous troops so I could block the entrance to the surface town if I needed to get home quickly.

My three key heroes ended up level 32, 30 and 23.

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