Nah, no curse. Most damage the lvl 6 units take is magic damage. When a high lvl caster does so, you can kiss your creatures goodbye. Dragons can sweep away a BIG part of the army, because he can fly and has a 2 hex attack...Darmani wrote:IMHO level 6 is really three tiers in cost, stats, and when they come into play: Crusaders and Cyclopes are tier 6; Bone Dragons and Phoenixes are tier 6.4; Black Dragons and Titans are tier 7.
I voted for the Crusaders. They cost in the area of the more expensive Level 5s, yet they do more damage than a Titan.
All you Black Dragon lovers, just remember: Magic immunity is a curse as well as a blessing.
You should consider cost as well. If you've got only 4000 gold, which has better stats, 4 crusaders or 0 titans?I went with the phoenix, not because it's the "best level 6 unit" cause on stats alone it isn't by a long shot,
That was a really good change, since it's like Darmani says: The tier 6 creatures are 3 very much different categories.UndeadHalfOrc wrote:Folks you have no idea how much more fun H2 is since I lowered Titan and Black Dragon growth to 2 per week!
I doubt, imho Pheonix is clear winner on any situation. It`s buildable on small maps and on large ones and in both cases Pheonix kicks ass. Of course late game on large map you`ll include Titans and Dragons in your army but thing is that Pheonix is extremely useable at any point in the game. Even late game you`ll want them for Flying/Ultra fast.As everything, it depends on situation.
Of course "clear winner on any situation" is a bit too much. Its cost doesn`t really matter, it`s still most cost effective and with protection from elemental spells its more durable than other "lower tier 6" creatures.Metathron wrote:I voted for the phoenix, but I disagree with your assessment that it is "the clear winner on any situation". I don't think there is any such thing as clear winners, or I wouldn't have made a poll out of this question, obviously.![]()
To be fair, the negative aspects of the fiery bird need to be taken into account: the phoenix dwelling needs quite a hefty sum of resources to be constructed, i.e. 10,000 gold, 30 ore, 20 mercury IIRC, and with 100 hp it is somewhat on the weaker side as far as level 6 creatures go (average: 166 hit points).
I think they are somewhat in pair with genies. From some point forward, it is good to have a few of them in your army, since their special (ultrafast speed or halving) gives you an advantage, but they rarely form the backbone of your army. I.e. phoenix is a good supporting unit. Using it as a damage dealer or absorber is questionable, however. Its durability, particularly under native hero isn't good. Even more, without the possibility to wait like in h3 or having other flyers in your army (sprites die fast too), moving the phoenixes to enemy lines for fast damage leaves them as the only available target for enemy walkers.Meandor wrote:I doubt, imho Pheonix is clear winner on any situation. It`s buildable on small maps and on large ones and in both cases Pheonix kicks ass.
I'd disagree with that. I mean, the Titan's HP-to-damage ratio is the highest of anything, and the Bone Dragon's isn't too bad either. Crusader and Cyclopes are another story though.darknessfood wrote:Nah, no curse. Most damage the lvl 6 units take is magic damage. When a high lvl caster does so, you can kiss your creatures goodbye. Dragons can sweep away a BIG part of the army, because he can fly and has a 2 hex attack...
100% agreed - and it is the reason in Heroes 3 why I always maintained Archangels were not as godly as people made them out to be - a simple Blind spell can put them out of combat for the whole battle if your spell power is high enough and the opponent can't cure/dispel! It's in a Knight/Cleric's best interest to collect artifacts that prevents this condition (Badge of Courage, Pendant of Second Sight)Darmani wrote: The only magic that can counter large amounts of strong creatures are spells such as Blind, Berserk, and especially Paralyze - but Titans are immune to those.
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