Fog of War where are you?

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Fog of War where are you?

Unread postby Francesco » 30 Jan 2006, 10:56

As someone pointed in the official forums... H5 beta does not have fog of war.. I strongly hope they will include it in the final game..
Every strategy game has it since years.. it makes multiplayer games much more enjoyable.. and also singleplayer games benefits from it ( it helps the Ai )

FoW is a must for modern strategy games, they have to make it at least an option so you can turn it on if you want.
What do you think?

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Unread postby Contraband2004 » 30 Jan 2006, 11:12

I think that they have said that it will be gone, but i'm not sure. I don't mind if it's not included :P I like to see my enemies :devil:

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Unread postby Francesco » 30 Jan 2006, 11:19

It will be an huge step backward if it won't be in.. being able to see your enemies sucks.. this is a strategy game.. if you can see your enemies you lose lots of strategy possibilities.. why do you think that in the past 4-5 years every strategy game had it? This has to be at least an option.. if not.. with the small battlefiled ( which already dumbs down strategy possibilities ) I will seriously considering to not buy the game.

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Unread postby Boromir » 30 Jan 2006, 11:20

I also think it's a must, but Contraband2004 might be right - some time ago it was said that it would be gone. :(
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Jan 2006, 11:25

Nope, no Fog of War.
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Unread postby Francesco » 30 Jan 2006, 11:50

ThunderTitan wrote:Nope, no Fog of War.
How could they came up with a so dumb decision?
FoW is considered a must in modern strategy games.. if there's someone that doesn't like it ( and I'm sure they are a minority ) make it an option..

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 30 Jan 2006, 12:09

Francesco wrote: How could they came up with a so dumb decision?
FoW is considered a must in modern strategy games.. if there's someone that doesn't like it ( and I'm sure they are a minority ) make it an option..

Haven't you heard? Anything that was in Heroes 4 but not 3 is the work of teh devil and must be kept out of Heroes 5!
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Unread postby Francesco » 30 Jan 2006, 12:20

ThunderTitan wrote: Haven't you heard? Anything that was in Heroes 4 but not 3 is the work of teh devil and must be kept out of Heroes 5!
LOL.. now it makes sense.. it's sad but they are really working this way..

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Unread postby Orfinn » 30 Jan 2006, 12:44

Fow wasnt a good desicion, but it wasnt the worst I have seen either.
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Unread postby Mutare Drake » 30 Jan 2006, 14:25

It'd be nice for the Fog to come back...that stinks. You're right TT, it must be the H4-Doom. Ah well, a good development flushed...

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Re: Fog of War where are you?

Unread postby Corribus » 30 Jan 2006, 14:51

Francesco wrote:As someone pointed in the official forums... H5 beta does not have fog of war.. I strongly hope they will include it in the final game..
Every strategy game has it since years.. it makes multiplayer games much more enjoyable.. and also singleplayer games benefits from it ( it helps the Ai )
Ugh, worst feature by far in H4. It was awful - how could you want that back? It made hunting down all the little AI creature stacks so damn tedious! And just because most strategy games have one does not make it the right decision for Heroes. Civ3 didn't have one and it was a great game. (I'm not sure about Civ4).
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 30 Jan 2006, 14:57

:| As far as I remember, both Civ 3 and 4 had a Fog o' War...
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Re: Fog of War where are you?

Unread postby Fallen Angel » 30 Jan 2006, 14:59

Corribus wrote: Ugh, worst feature by far in H4. It was awful - how could you want that back? It made hunting down all the little AI creature stacks so damn tedious!
I totally agree here. The only reason it was added in H4 was because you could buy a single level 1 creature and send them out to scout, which consequently made clearing the map that much more obnoxious for the winning player. Since players are unable to have countless heroes roaming the map just for scouting purposes, think of the lack of Fog of War as automatic scouts that your army leaves behind as you travel.

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Unread postby Francesco » 30 Jan 2006, 15:01

Gaidal Cain you remember well.
Civ3 had FoW.. and of course Civ4 had FoW too. Civ without fog would suck.

Corribus.. that is not because of FoW but because of the terrible H4 Ai.. and also because in H4 creatures could wander without an hero.

Fallen angel... so you would have scouts even in enemy territory even near an enemy city? It doesn't make sense, and apart from it FoW adds lots of benefits to a strategy game, and there are no reasons to not have it as an option. I'm sure that if it would be an option nearly every MP games would have it turned on.

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 30 Jan 2006, 15:15

Fog of War where are you?
Gone with the wind :devious:

And each civ game had FoW.Yes it was dumb in HIV because it covered the land imidiately.But if it was to cover the land just at the end of your turn it would be excelent.

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Unread postby Marcus333 » 30 Jan 2006, 15:17

Francesco wrote:
ThunderTitan wrote:Nope, no Fog of War.
How could they came up with a so dumb decision?
FoW is considered a must in modern strategy games.. if there's someone that doesn't like it ( and I'm sure they are a minority ) make it an option..
Check any poll about fog of war in HoMM games, and you will see that the majority doesn't like fog of war. I don't remember where there is one know, but I know it's there somewhere. I know I've seen it.

Personally, I don't like fog of war either, but I think it'd do good as an option. But I'd rather like to buy HoMM V one week earlier, than one week later, just because fog of war just had to be in. Although I agree with the team, that the game must first be released when it's done. But not much later just because of fog of war. I hope you get my point.

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Unread postby Corribus » 30 Jan 2006, 15:22

Gaidal Cain wrote::| As far as I remember, both Civ 3 and 4 had a Fog o' War...
Well maybe you're right. I don't remember. But I do remember that if there was one in Civ3, it definitely wasn't as annoying as the one in H4. :)
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 30 Jan 2006, 15:32

No, because there you had more fficient ways to keep it away from your own territory. And 1 warrior unit wouldn't go roaming the countryside if it was the only thing left of a player.
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Unread postby Fahtrim » 31 Jan 2006, 22:27

Fog of War in Heroes Iv sucked. I like the fact that you uncover land and leave scouts to watch what you've uncovered. That's how I looked at it in h1-h3.

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Unread postby IceCold2000 » 31 Jan 2006, 22:51

Good! No fog of war! I can breathe easier.

I absolutely hated that Fog of War grey in Heroes IV. I spent too much time tracking down enemy scouts! However, I did propose a Fog of War option box that allows for grey or no grey in my proposals before, but I would rather play with no fog of war at all - it's simpler and easier.

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