Necromancer Campaign Map 2 - Godric level reset

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Grail Quest
Posts: 181
Joined: 13 Jun 2007

Necromancer Campaign Map 2 - Godric level reset

Unread postby Grail Quest » 02 Sep 2007, 17:21


Does anyone know how to _not_ reset Godric's level to 10 in the Necromancer campaign? I can't seem to find an explicit mention of it in the scripts, else I'm looking in the wrong places.


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Grail Quest
Posts: 181
Joined: 13 Jun 2007

Fixed, but don't know why

Unread postby Grail Quest » 06 Sep 2007, 20:07

I managed to fix Godric's level-reset in Necromancer map 2, but -- and this is the very strange part -- I can remove the mod, and it still works.

Initially, I thought it was related to the "overridemask" value set for Godric. In C3M1, this value was 0, and Godric appears. Since that map has a level cap of 10, I reasoned that Godric might have had his level reset there.

Looking in C2M1, where Godric is also used but not modified, I copied the value of 32 over to C3M1 and make it a .h5m under \maps\
I also changed C3M2 to have a level cap of 24.

When I restarted the Necromancer campaign, and used @Win() in the console to zoom past map 1, Godric was level 24 in Map 2.
So far so good.

I recently split up the mod that fixed Godric (it was part of another hero-changing mod) and made it a standalone.
When I played the Necromancer map again, the fix no longer worked.
I thought I messed up and I flipped the value in C3M1 from 32 to 0, and it still didn't work.
I restarted the Necromancer campaign by starting from the Inferno Campaign, mission 5, and used @Win() to skip it, then picked the Necromancer campaign again. This time, Godric was again level 24 in C3M2.
I took off the mod completely... and Godric is still level 24 in C3M2!!

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