There seems to be a lot of interest in modding the old MM's.

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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There seems to be a lot of interest in modding the old MM's.

Unread postby redwoodtreesprite » 18 May 2007, 22:38

6-8 seem to be quite moddable if one is willing to experiment a lot to get the hang of it. How about we each post what we've been able to mod, and also links to where we got all our modding tools?


I'll start. I've been able to do replacer mods that change the NPC faces and the PC faces. But not the PC paper dolls.

Also, I've done weapon, shield and also item replacers (rings, pendants and such.) And spell book replacing too.

If we could afford to get adobe photoshop, I could make new textures for things like plants and creatures. But without that, I can't do the special alpha-channeled bmps. I have the skill to make the textures, just not the program to do the final texture work.

For the programs, I spent a whole day digging on the net using Google. And found a lot of nice utilities. I organized them on an external drive, but didn't think to save the URLS where I got them. But as they are so hard to find sometimes, I think I'll make a website with as many as possible available for download. Once we can add 20MB more to my webspace. Probably end of summer, as we have a lot of expenses right now...

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Unread postby asterix15 » 19 May 2007, 06:43

Great Idea :-D

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 20 May 2007, 02:12

I realize redwoodtreesprite is talking cosmetics, but I came across this:
UndeadHalfOrc wrote: - There's a bug that makes the armor skill NOT remove the speed penalty. That's why your knight and paladin attack WAY too slow.
I wonder if that's true for all armor classes? I've just started mm6, (My party is level 15), and that's distressing to read. I wonder if a bug fix is possible...and if it would work with mok's patch?

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Unread postby redwoodtreesprite » 20 May 2007, 13:02

It would be great if this could be fixed in MM6. My husband would be quite happy, as he likes to play as a paladin-type.

And modding covers a huge area. Including tweaks and even complete changes in gameplay. Me, I'm a graphically-oriented modder. But others are good at changing settings and such. Which is very important.

It would be so useful if there was a utility that let you merge a whole set of changes into the specific files, so you could "install" several mods. That way if one person makes a mod that fixes some things and another makes a mod that changes some graphics, both mods could be easily installed.

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Unread postby DaveO » 20 May 2007, 15:11

Apprently, Mok's MM6 patch fixes the armor recovery bug. I don't know all of the fixes, but armor recovery, items of recovery, spell bugs, and the infamous Shadow Guild and Castle Kriegspire bugged door dungeons were the ones I recall seeing listed on the patch information.

Edit - Just found the Mok MM6 fixes below:
Changes from official v1.2:
- Fixes from patches 1.1 and 1.2 are included.
- Small updates to Miles Sound System (4.0b to 4.0g) and Smacker (3.1n to 3.1s)
- Fixed broken doors in Shadow Guild and Kriegspire Castle.
- Fixed shield and armor recovery (Thanks to Mike Kienenberger for the fix).
- Caps Lock key will toggle running/walking
- Fixed CD Audio initialization. Music will play even if CD2 isn't in the first CD-ROM drive in your system.
- Buggy harddrive free space check removed.
- Added a few configuration options to mm6.ini file located in the games directory:
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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 20 May 2007, 17:34

Thanks DaveO, looks like I'm all set. I need Mok's patch to run the game in xp, so the armor fix being included is a nice bonus.

Somebody should tell undeadhalforc.

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Unread postby masterpoobaa » 23 May 2007, 04:03

ive had an idea for making MM6/7/8 more challenging money wise...
After a few times through i found that making money was too easy, knew all the tricks.

So why not mod the shop/store txt file and items prices.

Bump UP the item prices so they are more costly to buy, but that also increases profits from selling items,
So then modify the buy/sell price ratio's against the player on shops so you need a VERY high merchant skill plus traders/merchants/dupers to get close to cost price buying and selling items.

So no more wandering up to icecap in MM6 at a lowish level and popping into the store to get a couple of stellar bows, lest you have a fortune and want to blow it all in one go
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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 23 May 2007, 17:38

PhoenixReborn wrote:Thanks DaveO, looks like I'm all set. I need Mok's patch to run the game in xp, so the armor fix being included is a nice bonus.

Somebody should tell undeadhalforc.
Thanks, I happened to be reading this, now I'd like to download Mok's Patch as well for that fix alone, but I'm still running on a Win98 SE dinosaur, does the patch ONLY work on Windows XP?

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 23 May 2007, 19:42

UndeadHalfOrc wrote: Thanks, I happened to be reading this, now I'd like to download Mok's Patch as well for that fix alone, but I'm still running on a Win98 SE dinosaur, does the patch ONLY work on Windows XP?
I can confirm that the recovery works properly. My Paladin just got expert plate mastery and I noticed an improvement in the frequency of my paladin's turns.

I got mok's patch from CH mm6 page. There's only one way to find out if the patch will also work for win 98 but my gut instinct says yes it will.

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Unread postby Avonu » 28 May 2007, 12:40

Can someone make mod for MM6-7 which could allowed add some personal notes on maps in MM6-7 (like in MM8 when you can describe teachers, NPC's locations, chellenge's locations, etc.)?
Is it possible?

There is one more thing with modding MM6-8 - most of changes are in some files which also have texts. If somebody (like me) have MM in another language, then mods cause that language of MM changed to English. It will be nice if creator of mod post readme file in which he discribe, what he changed and where these changes are located, so mod could be installed to another languages MM without changed texts into English (with help of MM Viewer or another programme).

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Unread postby GrayFace » 02 Jun 2007, 22:37

Avonu wrote:Can someone make mod for MM6-7 which could allowed add some personal notes on maps in MM6-7 (like in MM8 when you can describe teachers, NPC's locations, chellenge's locations, etc.)?
Is it possible?
Everything's possible, but this would be VERY hard.
Avonu wrote:There is one more thing with modding MM6-8 - most of changes are in some files which also have texts. If somebody (like me) have MM in another language, then mods cause that language of MM changed to English. It will be nice if creator of mod post readme file in which he discribe, what he changed and where these changes are located, so mod could be installed to another languages MM without changed texts into English (with help of MM Viewer or another programme).
I can make a program to compare lod archives and find files that differ in them, after the exams.
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Unread postby Avonu » 04 Jun 2007, 12:25

I would be thankful.

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