Hero Names and biography

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Hero Names and biography

Unread postby okrane » 27 Apr 2007, 22:30

I have an idea...

Personally I got used to the Heroes 3 heroes, stories, personalities and so on. What if we could bring them back. Just the names, biographies and maybe some of the portraits.

For example:

For Haven:

Dougal -> Valeska
Klaus -> Tyris
Irina -> Edric

and so on.... and I hope you will include special hero skins fo each hero..

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Unread postby Orfinn » 28 Apr 2007, 13:57

Yeah why not? I would separate skins for the heroes, the disaster example where Biara with an ordinary male demon skin *sigh* :(

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Re: Hero Names and biography

Unread postby Thelonious » 29 Apr 2007, 19:02

okrane wrote: Personally I got used to the Heroes 3 heroes, stories, personalities and so on. What if we could bring them back. Just the names, biographies and maybe some of the portraits.
I think you should make that an optional feature; or clone the heroes, because others would want HoMM IV heroes back (to make campaigns etc.)
okrane wrote: and I hope you will include special hero skins fo each hero..
That's quite a task and never done before (not even in the mods HoMM WoG and HoMM IV Equlibris) so, yes the heroes may not fit but they never really have. (Exept for some campaign heroes)

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Unread postby okrane » 29 Apr 2007, 21:49

That's quite a task and never done before (not even in the mods HoMM WoG and HoMM IV Equlibris) so, yes the heroes may not fit but they never really have. (Exept for some campaign heroes)
well I downloaded some mods from Elrath that do just that... of course the skin is just a modification of the original hero skin, but it's pretty good.

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Unread postby Thelonious » 03 May 2007, 19:38

Oh, I had no idea those mods allready existed - then again I no longer have HoMM V installed because it runs so slowly on my system that it's allmost going backwards... So I don't really chack for new mods either.

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