MM9 Portraits

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
Posts: 7
Joined: 21 Feb 2007

MM9 Portraits

Unread postby Draghorn » 21 Feb 2007, 08:58

This may be stupid to ask. But, is there a program that will allow me to view and extract the character portraits from Might and Magic 9?

Sorry if this is the wrong section to ask this in.

Posts: 7
Joined: 21 Feb 2007

Unread postby Draghorn » 25 Feb 2007, 01:56

Hey, I just stumbled over how to do the thing I asked about. Yay. :) Here's how, in case others were interested. Its quite simple, once you figure it out.

All the resources are stored in .rez files. I was using a Russian program called Magic Extractor (the page is in Russian, but thankfully the program itself can be run in English.) used for opening all kinds of game archives. That is where I discovered that .rez is the file archive for Aliens vs Predator 2. That program will open the rez files right up. Thankfully the portraits are stored in a standard format - pcx. You can use Irfanview to open those files and if you want export them to a more standard format.

I hope this helps others.

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