Help Wanted

Feedback for the articles that appear on Celestial Heavens.
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Help Wanted

Unread postby CloudRiderX » 30 Jan 2007, 21:35

Things should be slowing down a bit for a while since the Round Table is down, so I am sending out a plea for help to all Administrators to help with a small problem.

The Heroes 3 artifacts pages have this bug that turns apostrophes into []f's. It's really quite annoying, and correcting it doesn't seem to help the problem because it goes right back to its original state once you refresh the page.

If any admins have any spare time until the RT is online again, please help examine the HTML for the pages and try to find what the problem is. Thanks!

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
"A Guardian is always prepared." - Galio, the Sentinel's Sorrow

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