*** Small Spoiler *** The simulated battles on the adventure maps, such as the siege of Horncrest in C3M5 of the Hammers of Fate, are one of my favorite features of the expansion. I love the fact that, more than ever, the adventure map and the battlefield feel connected.
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The Siege of Horncrest
The Siege of Horncrest
One of the things I liked when playing the first mission. A camp that seems cheerful can make a world of difference to the feel of the game. Creative and probably easy to implement.
I, for one, am dying to find out what colour they paint Michael's toenails.
- Metathron
- Metathron
The Siege of Horncrest
so do you fight each stack seperately or what?
The Siege of Horncrest
I fought a couple of stacks myself, and after I took out the enemy hero Duncan took care of two or three enemies as well.
I like to finish off all the stacks first, then beat the hero. Usually you take 0 losses during this, and gives you a chance to beef up your dungeon hero for taking the inferno towns and dungeon town. Of course you can let duncan get most of the experience by confronting the hero first and let him get the exp for most of them.
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The Siege of Horncrest
I used Duncan to chain troops mostly, since he is so fast. I used Freyda for the final battle, but the Dungeon chick would have been a better option on second thought.
The Siege of Horncrest
Might be better putting that in Map Making section, personally I am clueless about the editor
Now on the last map, last campain, I found Isabel very handy in fighting the dwarf. When you start the combat, all her troops get a free bless (never a bad thing). You can get ressurrection (with luck) from one of the 2 haven towns you should have, and upgrading some of your squires to Paladins can make you almost unstoppable. I had about 22+ paladins when I tackled the dwarven town. Isabel had gm war-machines, so the dwarf walls went down resonably quick, and once the walls was down, those paladins just tore through everything. (If you can get deflect missile and cast it on your paladins it helps also). For the shieldguards, make them come to your paladins, not the other way arround. I used the AA's as back up (and to take some of the heat) to ressurect once, and never actually had to use the ressurrect skill. Isabel can really tear it up with the skills the computer gave her. (I did most of the map with her also, to build up her level. Took the other haven town and the garrison with the 10k creatures with her. Really helped make her a killing machine).

Now on the last map, last campain, I found Isabel very handy in fighting the dwarf. When you start the combat, all her troops get a free bless (never a bad thing). You can get ressurrection (with luck) from one of the 2 haven towns you should have, and upgrading some of your squires to Paladins can make you almost unstoppable. I had about 22+ paladins when I tackled the dwarven town. Isabel had gm war-machines, so the dwarf walls went down resonably quick, and once the walls was down, those paladins just tore through everything. (If you can get deflect missile and cast it on your paladins it helps also). For the shieldguards, make them come to your paladins, not the other way arround. I used the AA's as back up (and to take some of the heat) to ressurect once, and never actually had to use the ressurrect skill. Isabel can really tear it up with the skills the computer gave her. (I did most of the map with her also, to build up her level. Took the other haven town and the garrison with the 10k creatures with her. Really helped make her a killing machine).
Warning, may cause confusion, blindness, raising of eybrows, and insanity. 

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