All years have their good and bad points (ok 2006 had a lot more bad then good..). My new years 'wishs' are many, so bare with me here.
I wish that everybody would start seeing people for themselves, not their skin color, religion, sex, age, or lifestyle.
I wish that the 'me' generations would become the 'we' generations and care for each others as much as they care for themselves.
I wish an end of suffering and poverty, of hunger and disease. Of over population, and squandering of resources. (and this in a good way).
I wish people would be happy and content and all be equal. I wish nobody would ever use 'religion' to persecute, harm, or otherwise cause strife.
I wish people would stop trying to use 'science' to explain the unexplainable and realize there are some things mankind was just not meant to know.
I wish Winterfate all the best of luck finding somebody special.
I wish Stefen a happy healthy child that will grow up, be rich and famous, and (when needed) take care of their mom and dad (like giving them some mansion or something).
I wish the CH staff would recieve a large donation (from somebody rich) so that they could get some financial benifit from this wonderful site.
I wish DL ...hmmm what to wish for..ah yes the chance to spread his 'evil' more

or about anything else he wants.
I wish Milla happiness and wealth for the rest of her days.
I wish everybody else in CH the best of everything and to hit a lottery or something
And finally I wish for my wish list to come to an end...