combat scripts

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Posts: 6
Joined: 06 Jan 2006

combat scripts

Unread postby ct605 » 12 Dec 2006, 17:58

Can anyone tell me how to attach a combat script to a hero? I place a hero on the map, right click the hero's name in the object list, and click properties to bring up the object properties tree. In this tree is a category for combat script. I click on the value and click new to set a path for a combat script file. From here, I can get a box to open, but it is not a box for typing script, and I can find no way to open such a box. I suppose I could manually pack a file into the game file, but this process not only seems unnecessarily complicated, but from unpacking map files, it appears combat scripts are not in text files but in files with a .lua extension (which can be read as a text file), and, in short, I have no confidence I know the correct way to organize combat script files. Rather than devote what I suspect will be hours of trial and error, I was hoping someone who had already worked with combat scripts could enlighten me.

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