... games#2000
ahhh the memories

as far as i can tell, the list is fairly complete, though i had to edit and add a couple entries myself, if anyone notices a game missing, go ahead and add it, may as well make that list complete.
so, just who is the computer RPG champion ??
going through the list, i have played 38 of those games.
ill admit, a couple, not many, i played and didnt finish, but i would say for sure i played to completion at least 33-36 of them. i rarely dont finish a game unless its a horrible game.
like MMIX did i not count....i think i played it for a fifteen, twenty minutes top then threw the game in my closet till it went in the garbage.
and the online games you cant really consider "completing", but the ones i counted i played alot of.
and thats not counting the console RPG's ive played like dragon warrior, or the early final fantasy

what is your total of games youve played on the list?