Game crash - any ideas?

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Game crash - any ideas?

Unread postby gaspi2 » 03 Dec 2006, 19:02

Well, I installed patch 1.4 and now - game crashes - only in combat.
I noticed that it crashes every time when MY unit dies after enemy retalation, and as I play as inferno - those gated stacks die very often(mainly imps:-/)
Any idea how to fix it? I had to turn on autosave cuz I deafeated 3 heroes in row and on 4th(yes, in row, in 1 day 1 after another - cuz all of them were afraid to attck each other)(Grok rulez:)) it crashed.
I'v almost got mad:(.
Luckily I was able to beat em another time after load, but that crashed drives me really mad.
Help smb plz!:-/

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Unread postby Campaigner » 03 Dec 2006, 19:22 That scan will check your drivers. Update everything except BIOS since that CAN be dangerous (motherboard manufacturers say it).

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Unread postby Angelspit » 03 Dec 2006, 19:23

Several people, including me, have this problem with 1.4: it happens when a gated or phantom creature dies. What you can do is reinstall and patch to 1.3, avoid playing with or against Inferno, or wait until Ubival releases a fix. The weird thing is that other people cannot reproduce that problem.

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Unread postby gaspi2 » 04 Dec 2006, 14:55

Thx. So I have to w8:-/
I'm not sure, but 'power of speed' gives mass haste also in 1.3?
I played 1.0 4 3 weeks and patched it directly on 1.4.
That's the main thing I'v got the patch cuz I love mass slow + mas haste combo:)(mainly if 600 + imps drain mana:P).
Also I want to ask if pit lords summoned by devils can still gate?(like in 1.0)
I think that it was quite devastating with slow+ haste - I loved cutting down 100+ ents with vorpal swords:)

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Unread postby Blaze85 » 04 Dec 2006, 21:24

We played local game with my friend and on the 15th day, it crashed during the ai's turn. This was my first problem with 1.4 though this one is quite annoying :S

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