Campaign Ability in H5 When?

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Campaign Ability in H5 When?

Unread postby jeff » 02 Dec 2006, 02:59

It’s been awhile, but curiosity finally got the best of me. UBI originally said that a more user friendly version of the map editor and an editor with a campaign making ability was to be released. I thought that one or both were originally to be released with the first expansion, but I have seen no comment on either improvement. Has anything been released recently as to when these may occur?

I have only briefly looked at the editor, but plan on checking it out during the Christmas break. However from what little I have seen and from the questions being asked, I do not think in its current form that this editor is one I am going to take the time to learn.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby Mesciurius » 04 Dec 2006, 06:43

See here for how to make a campaign.
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Unread postby jeff » 04 Dec 2006, 21:44

Thank you for that link, I had heard there was a tweak that allowed it, and this one does not seem too difficult. However that does not answer my question, UBI said the campaign ability would be forth coming in a patch. It is ridiculous that fans have to modify files in order to get the product the company promised. Fabrice also stated earlier a more user friendly version of the editor would be made available about the same time. Has anyone heard or read when these will be released?
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby jeff » 23 Dec 2006, 20:55

Sorry for the double post but it appears the campaign editor will be part of patch 1.5. :D
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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